Dammit Tony

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Snaking his way through the corridors, Simon finally came to his room. He was feeling slightly dizzy now, his head was throbbing. Simon wondered if the assumably cool metal of the door handle would help his burning head even though he couldn't feel it. Luckily, his blood, the cure for his ill state, was just on the other side of the door.

Simon was unexpectedly tapped on the shoulder by Tony, or rather Ironman, making him jump. How did Simon not hear him coming from behind? Maybe the ringing in his ears deafened him to all other sounds.

"Follow me." Tony told him, his voice slightly robotic through the helmet.

"In a minute." Simon needed to feed, before he ripped through the suit and drank from his friend. Friend. Was that what they were to him, now? The Avengers - friends.

"I'm afraid I must insist." Ironman gripped Simon's wrist. Simon wrenched his arm back from Tony before his pulse could be read.

"Are you alright?" He turned to look at Simon, whilst leading him to the elevator.

"Yes... why?" Simon knitted his eyebrows, cautious and anxious at Tony's concern.

"You're very hot."

"Woah, dude, even if I did swing that way, I'm nineteen and you-"

"No. I mean, you're literally burning up."

Simon's hairs stood on end. "How do- How can you feel through the suit?" Simon drew Tony away from the subject matter.

"I have sensors and thermochromic cameras, which feeds back to my screens so I can collect data on my opponents and colleagues." Ironman shifted in the small space of the lift. "Ground floor 221B, JARVIS."

Simon was brought back to his senses by the sudden unfamiliarity of not hearing the beat of someone's heart. Usually the only thing Simon would be able to hear over his -now growing- migraine was the beating of human hearts within a yard radius. However, standing in the elevator with Tony, they were too far away from other humans for their pulses to drill themselves into Simon's brain. But the peculiar part was that Tony didn't appear to have a heart beat at this moment. Simon leaned in, he could hear through walls so he was sure Tony was not alive. He sniffed, ignoring the aching throughout his body, the suit that Simon had previously assumed as Tony, was Tony-less. It was a metal shell.

"Why are you wearing that inside? Its almost as if you got lazy and are putting your Ironman on remote-control." Simon looked at Tony sidewardly, the latter returning the glance.

"Son of a-" ding, sounded the elevator as it stopped. Ironman lead Simon into a huge basement with holographs along the walls over more Ironman photos. Old cars lined the back and a desk was on a platform in the middle. At that desk, sat none other than Tony Stark; genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

Tony swivelled in his chair to face Simon, a metal/glass band around his head. Simon's eyes flickered to some screens behind Tony with footage from the interrogation. Except, being a vampire, he didn't appear on camera - a growing problem when he needed to fix his bedhead.

"I want to know how you impeccably edited yourself out of the security tapes. Then, I want to know how you forgot to mute your voice out." Tony asked, his voice hardly audible over his heartbeat, which seemed to ricochet off every wall and into Simon's head.

"Dude, you think I did that? You are the Tony Stark, your tech is un-hackable and I didn't even take computer science for GCSE or A-level." Simon tried as hard as he could to stay strong and not let his fangs expose themselves.

"Oh, and you're dead." Tony gestured to another screen, showing Simon's pulse: flat lining. Ironman got into a defensive stance, aiming his thrusters at Simon.

"I'm a-" Simon was cut off by his fangs pushing their way through his gums forcefully. He clamped his hand over his mouth and Tony got up, ready to fight if necessary. Though, there was a curious glint in his eye, which Simon hoped would sway him not to engage Simon's vampire strength.

"Don't come any closer, I don't want to hurt you. I swear I don't drink human blood, just let me get to my room before I can't control myself." Simon covered his ears from Tony's blearing pulse. Tony looked at him with every expression, each equally earned; disgust, interest, fear, courage, pity. Despite covering his ears, he could still hear and smell him. He could practically taste his blood in the air, he hadn't drank human blood in years.

He felt his weakened muscles begin to surge with strength, he saw his vision corner from black to red, he heard the thumping become a deafening echo.

And he ran, with his last scrap of goodness, away from Tony even though it went against his innate vampire code.

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