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"Good. . . early morning, Simon." Natasha greeted Simon once he had woken. Bruce was fast asleep in his desk chair, catching some shut eye whilst it was dark outside.

"Won't you sleep?" Simon blinked. Nat flicked her coffee cup.

"Someone needs to watch you, and lets just say that I'm used to staying up with the moon." Natasha mostly appeared expressionless, this was one of those moments.

"You're not talking about being a lycanthrope, so may I ask what you are talking about?" Simon smiled.

"I'm a trained assassin with a rough history, sleep's not in my nature I guess. I won't go into detail but I'll tell you that much." Nat twirled her mug in circles by the handle.

"Right." Simon understood. "Nick's listening in."

"No, Fury's actually- well he has his eyes open now but I think his brain is still asleep. He's looking at the screen quite robotically whilst the Avengers play monopoly with the agents. So we're quite alone at the moment."

"Oh." Simon was surprised to hear how well his encanto was working. "Well I hear talking helps, though I've never tried it so don't ask me."

"What the hell."  Natasha gave in, planning to edge Simon to talk by digging up her own wounds. (Not for information, though, but to help him). "I- where I came from, we were trained to be the best spies of our abilities. We were ruthlessly conditioned in the fields of flexibility, camouflage, aim, swordplay, you name it. As far as hells on earths go, that's mine.
"In my examination, I had to show my gun aiming skills, which I had prepared for and passed easily. What took me by surprise, however, was the second practise on a person. The girls who hadn't managed to pass were used as targets. It was sick- immoral even! But I couldn't hesitate, otherwise my head would be on the block, so I didn't. I... I shot the girl because she wasn't inhumane enough to live." Natasha paused, tracing the table edge with her fingertip.

"That's not the worst of it. As women, we were ensured to not have any 'distractions'. They... what they did. You ask why I'm not with Bruce, but surgically, physically I can't be with anyone. I can't have kids. I don't know what you judge humans to be, Simon, but we define ourselves by our ability to create, to reproduce. I can only do the opposite." Natasha didn't cry, nor falter, which Simon saluted because it was not possible for him to stay that strong discussing his past (he imagined, since he'd never done it). But Natasha was wrong;

"Humans can create, but not only the way you value. You create buildings, movies, books, material things. You have made- created a better society by eliminating criminals. You may see the killing as killing but if you hadn't killed the chitari, both our worlds could be dead and dust." Simon didn't need any conviction in his voice because he fully believed it. Natasha blinked.

"How do you stay so optimistic? and why are you so easy to talk to?"

"I'm a daylighter so there's a lot to be sad about, which makes it easier to focus on the small joys." Simon smiled. "And about the talking bit, I suppose I can't do anything but listen and I definitely can't judge." Simon laughed. Natasha returned it and looked over at Bruce, as all lovers did when happy as if they were a save point in a game.

Bruce hadn't moved, but he was awake. Simon had known this since the beginning of the conversation but Natasha was alarmed, her heart rate double-taking and then rocketing.

"Bruce- How long have you... wait! Simon, you knew he was awake, why didn't you tell me?" Natasha turned to Simon, realising Simon would've been able to hear Bruce's heartbeats change as he woke up.

"I'm not the only one who wants to listen and I'm not the only one who can't judge." Simon shrugged, finding his bonding had shifted considerably, allowing him to move almost painlessly.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Bruce looked at Natasha lovingly, "Nat, I... I can't have a physical relationship either. But, if its any consolation, your one of those joys Simon mentioned, but for me... not Simon." Bruce admitted, babbling slightly at the end.

Nat jumped off the desk promptly and rushed to hug Bruce. Bruce was shocked at first, and then relaxed, wrapping his arms around Nat back and smiling contently. Simon's eyes gleamed with feels, the ship has become canon.

Simon Lewis and The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now