Supernatural Magnus Stark

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All of Simon's muscles were stiff. His skin might have been healed but it felt as if it were pulled taught over his bones - which appeared so since he was so hungry.

"Here." Magnus pulled Simon up and carried half his weight. His arm was around Magnus' shoulders.

"Thanks." Simon muttered through his fangs. Magnus noticed this and dug through his pockets, pulling out two flasks. He sniffed one;

"Yup, that one's blood." Magnus gave it to Simon to drink. "I had one on me just in case you showed up."

"Lucky you did." Simon's fangs retracted as he passed the canister back. "What's in the other one?"

"Tequila." Magnus said as if it were obvious. They climbed into the back of the van, Nat driving and Nick magically handcuffed in the back. The small light turned on, making Magnus' pupils constrict to lines and Simon squint painfully.

Now, everyone else could now see Magnus' outfit and eyes clearly. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a leather jacket (probably once Alec's), and an open-chested, blue jaguar-print shirt, revealing his bare abs and half a dozen necklaces. Magnus always dressed extravagantly and to express his mood - that was the blue's function. His face showed signs of tears, but only visible to close friends. His façade was so full-proof Simon doubted even Nat or Bruce could deduce anything.

Simon began telling Magnus all about the past few days, sending hateful glances to Nick Fury at appropriate times and introducing the rest of the team throughout. His gaze flitted over Tony more than once, as Simon began to distinguish his heart beating unevenly, but said nothing to attract unwanted attention to Stark.

His story had finished by the time they got back. Both Magnus and Steve helped him out, Steve being the closest height match to Magnus. Tony led the way to his lab, probably wanting to scan Magnus out of interest. Magnus didn't see this though, he was so distracted by little reminders of his past scattered around the room amongst futuristic computer systems.

He left Simon on Steve's shoulder and rushed forward to Tony's desk. Tony collapsed into the chair behind it, looking at Magnus curiously.

"I haven't seen this in a very long time!" he picked up an old, expensive pocket watch. "This was your grandfather's, if I remember correctly." Magnus opened it and closed it, holding it in front of his face.

"You knew him?" Tony asked, clacking away at his keyboard.

"A little. Though, we were both very narcissistic at that point so conversation was boring and we mildly hated each other, ah those were the days.
"Your father, however, was the opposite: he couldn't stop going on about his work, his wife, and, well, you. I'd just got a cat but that wasn't an amazing gloating topic." Magnus had about the attention span of his cat, himself. He lost interest, put the watch carefully back on the desk.

"A cat-eyed wizard who owns a cat? That's new." Tony smirked.

"I'm a warlock, and his name his Chairman Meow, yeah I suppose it does sound a little strange." Magnus said thoughtfully, then his golden/green gaze flickered to the left.
"Wow!" Magnus saw all of the vintage cars lined up, "Is that a 1967 Chevrolet Impala?"

"Like it?" Tony smirked.

"Hang on, Supernatural's Impala? As in Sam and Dean's car?" Simon perked up.

"Yes. But I hope this isn't their actual car or you're in trouble because they will be pissed." Magnus stroked the side wearily.

"Magnus, I love Supernatural but I know its a fictional story." Simon replied.

"All the stories are true, you should know that by now." Magnus smiled, Simon was speechless.

"Aha! Its not theirs." Magnus tapped the dashboard. "Theirs has their initials engraved here."

"How- when did you meet them?"

"They needed some help with a certain demon a while back. I usually ask for payment but once they finished, I made a deal. Sure, they were mundanes, but they were damn good at what they did and I can never have enough allies. I did it the old-fashioned way, ooh and how that angered Dean."

"What?" Simon was fully interested.

"I sealed the deal with his pet angel, Castiel."

"You kissed Cas?" Simon asked.

"He had black hair and blue eyes, I was uninvolved so, naturally, I put my tongue down his throat." Magnus shrugged. "Wouldn't you?"

Everyone's foreheads furrowed and then Tony's twisted in pain. He reached into a box on his desk quickly before anyone could see him hurting. Turning around in his desk chair, Tony lifted his shirt and took out the arc reactor. It spat out a fizzing battery and Tony replaced it without a word. Hoping no one saw it, he threw the bloody burnt one in the bin and pulled down his shirt before turning back to everyone.

The Avengers were looking at him in curiosity and some with worry. Magnus was one of those who was the most intrigued. He stood up straight and knitted his eyebrows.

"Arc reactor, miniaturised? Howard talked about that." Magnus remembered. "Of course, he also told me of the side effects... how is electromagnetic poisoning?" Magnus suddenly had the steaming battery in his hand and was examining it closely.

Tony was infuriated.

"You don't have the right- give that back!" he yelled, standing up and sending his chair backwards.

"Before you shoot me, your father left his work on it at mine. It might help. I believe I put it..." Magnus thought a moment and then snapped his fingers. "There." A big crate of books and film reels appeared next to Tony's desk. He darted for it.

"Everybody out. I need to- out!" Tony was obviously on the brink of a discovery. Some people got up to leave, with one question on their minds.

"Tony, is it true, are you dying?" Natasha was the only one brave enough to voice it. Tony sighed but kept rummaging through the box of his father's stuff.

"Tony." Natasha repeated. Tony stopped, stood and raised his shirt. What they saw was new, even for Simon and Magnus. The arc reactor in the centre of his chest was bright and glowing but what was keeping his heart alive was killing the rest of him. Blackness was crawling through his veins like a crossword puzzle across his chest, spreading outward from the reactor and very prominent. He dropped his shirt back over his torture marks,

"Out." he said grimly.

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