I Really Can't Keep One Secret

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Eventually, he reached his room in a daze. Hearts were beating his brain crazy. The sweet smell of blood hooked into his flesh and pulled him backwards, the chains rattling with every pulse.

He ripped his bag open tiredly, seams splitting away from the zip. He gulped the first bottle down, fangs snapping out, cutting his lip and chipping the glass flask. His muscles strengthened though the taste of dead blood soured on his tongue.

His brain alarmed as his hands worked on their own accord, taking the last vial and sipping half of it. His vision cleared and the heartbeats faded to a background noise (like usual) apart from one which was approaching his door.

Simon shoved his bag under the bed hastily, scrambling to the bathroom and throwing his vials into the bin. Simon couldn't see his reflection but he was sure he looked like something out of the walking dead. Huh, figures.

Simon scrubbed his face, feeling a little savage for licking the blood off his fingers. When he was sure there was no more blood on his face, hands and clothes, he went to open the door.

Steve was on the other side, Simon supposed cleaning up probably wasn't worth the trouble since Tony had no reason not to have spread the news already. Judging by Steve's expression, he didn't know and Simon hoped he could keep it that way.

It was a good sign that the soldier's heart was just a steady, dull hum in the background.

"Come in." Simon didn't actually want Captain America to come in but Simon was feeling healthy and Steve didn't deserve to be sent away.

Cap walked past Simon and stood in the middle of the room, Simon followed to the bed, shielding (unintended) his bag from view.

"I just... I know how it feels to be out of place somewhere." Simon rose an eyebrow at Steve's attempt at relating to him. "Believe me, I do." Cap seemed so different to Simon, yet his tone was sincere. "I know you probably have one of these. I'm not even sure if you want this, but here you go anyway." Steve held out a small book-shaped object. Simon hesitantly took the wrapped present, staring at it worriedly.

As Simon's hand closed around the gift it steamed through the paper.

"Crap!" Simon hissed and dropped it. It was, as he thought, a Torah. The only thing that could hurt a vampire (apart from sunlight) and leave a mark: a symbol of their own religion, like the star of David tinted gold and gloating through the singed outline of the wrapping. An identical mark burned into his palm, overlapping the previous one to make a super-mega-star. Simon held his hand close to him, pressing on it to make the pain somehow more bearable.

The pain started to dissipate as his vampire healing tried to recover. He stretched his fingers, looking at the mark fade to a silvery scar against his pale skin.

Steve looked between the book and Simon's hand, making the connection he dreaded he would.

"You're a-" Cap got into a defensive stance. Smart.

"Yes." Simon looked at the Torah on the floor in shame. "Sorry, but I don't think this is going to work." He nodded at the present, still rubbing his hand. "I've gone through this twice today, all I ask is that you don't hate me, please. I don't hurt humans. Please. You don't understand how it is - being made into a monster and hated for your strength." Simon continued his intense eye-contact with the ground.

"Actually..." Steve shifted. "I was put into a machine and made into a super soldier, SHIELD are wary of my power so..." we fell into a comfortable silence, how was Steve so physically perfect and relatable.

"Will you tell the others?" Simon braced himself.

"No, but if you drink anyone, I might have to do something about that. You understand." Cap chuckled.

"Ew. You can be sure I won't do that." Simon looked down at his bag. "This may be a strange request... but I'm nearly out of animal blood so if you have a spare blood bank somewhere in this mansion..."

"I'll see what I can do." He smiled, slightly grossed out. This was to be expected though.

"I'm down the hall if you need me." Simon nodded back and Steve punched his shoulder friendlily. He left, glancing back at Simon with a small smile.

This left Simon to find a way to pick up his book without toasting.

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