Talking Through the Floor

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For now, Simon split apart from hanging off Steve's shoulder, despite Steve's worried glances in his direction, and sat on the armrest of a nearby couch. Deciding he was far too tired, Simon lay back so he was lying on the sofa with his legs over the end.

"You okay, Simon?" someone - Simon didn't bother distinguishing who - spoke up.

"Mngh." Simon muffled, waving his arm in a lazy gesture to mean he was not to be fretted about. Walking to the couch unsupported had taken more out of him than he would admit.

"Sleeping at night? Wow that torture must be really bad on vampires." another Avenger said. Simon didn't disagree, but put a pillow over his face to block out the noise. The Avengers dropped their voices and more or less continued daily routines, minus Stark plus new found tension.

Simon screwed up his eyes and focused on the voices a few floors below.

"You need help." Magnus meant that less like an offer and more like a statement. Tony seemed to have cooled down and replied solemnly.

"If you came here solely to escape all the tension, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I heard your speech through the cameras." Stark told him.

"Ah." Magnus said, he clearly made to leave.

"But," Tony stopped him, "I could use the help with this. And, I know you wouldn't appreciate a lengthy chick flick monologue but we could talk." Tony had clearly left his anger at Magnus behind after hearing about the warlock's dark life.

"Okay..." Magnus was edgy of this coming conversation.

"I am not saying I understand you, I don't think I am qualified to say that, however long my life has felt so far. But I might be getting where you're coming from. Can you pass me that - yes that one - thank you. I have had so many one night stands and relationship issues, not even close to 17,000 - which I applaud you for, but I think my nights might equal your years in love and lust. I'm not saying I feel your pain, because my low drunk nights are, well, pretty low but if I elongated those to your time scale... I don't think I could bear it. Again, I'm out of my depth, but well if you decide to keep trudging through, my doors -or walls- will always be open for you to talk or something... I'm not going to say any silver-lining crap, but, yeah." Tony finished, and Simon's heart leapt (or flopped for all it was capable of) in thanks on Magnus' behalf.

"Uh, thanks. I might take you up on that offer after Simon either moves on or manages to get himself killed and I need somewhere safe to crash." Magnus replied. "Do you need some help there?" Magnus broke the seriousness.

"Um. Yeah, I made the core, but I'll need your fire to charge the atom to make a new element since Thor's lightning isn't at my disposal, and then I need the others for the heavy lifting." Tony summarised.

"Do you hear that Simon?" Magnus said, surprising Simon with his direct mention. Son of a...

"Alright." Simon pushed himself up, ready to help. The Avengers looked at him for explanation. "Let's help Stark!" Simon grunted, forcing his limbs to co-operate. "Allons-y." Simon led the way, waking his legs up painfully. They felt stiff, like a terrible sun burn across his joints preventing them from moving without making his skeleton creak. He tried his best not to show that he was in pain, he may have moved rigidly but he kept his wincing to a minimum.

When they entered Tony was surprised but Magnus faced them expectantly.

"What took you so long?" He taunted.

"I'm a stickman for the moment. Cut me some slack." Simon gestured to his joints, resting against one of Tony's cars tiredly. The vehicles were all pushed to one side, leaving a work space with a jumble of machinery forming a ring around a small arc reactor within a glass case.

"We need muscles, you good?" Tony said shortly.

"Just need a drink, then me and Cap can take it." Simon wheezed. Magnus chucked him another canteen. He sipped and rolled his sleeves up, to reveal his deceptively skinny arms.

"What do you need?"

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