A Vampire's Crucifix

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Minutes later, Simon was strapped in a strange room. The sort of room that would drive anyone insane if they were in there for an extensive amount of time. The walls were blank and the only furniture was the desk in the corner and a contraption in the wall. The contraption cuffed Simon in a way that likened to Jesus' cross: his arms were outstretched and -to Simon's surprise- strongly held there. He knew he would only be able to break out if he was desperate. In summary: if they didn't feed him.

Vampires are strong. They are not flexible. Most of all, Simon worried about his T-shirt. The TARDIS had already be ruined by blood, now it was being stretched in ways it shouldn't. This was probably the reason Jesus didn't wear anything when he was crucified.

"You will stay here until you live out your immortal life for lying to an officer, Vampire-"

"Daylighter." Simon interrupted Fury.

"What?" The latter spat, and Simon withheld a comment on llamas.

"If you are looking for names to call me, the vampires call me a Daylighter." Simon sneered.

"Is that your species then?" Fury demanded, spitting the species. "Are there more of you?"

"I was turned into a vampire when I was 16, but when I was dying a second time I fed on angel blood. I didn't mean to. He was a friend. We're both lucky I didn't kill him. The angel blood allowed me to enter sunlight without combusting." Simon explained, "Now can I go?"

Fury smiled, though the expression went against its definition.

"How many Vampires are there? Where are they?"

"In the world? Billions. Since the dawn of time, vampires have hidden in the shadows away from humans. But, no, I will not be telling you where those shadows are." Simon tried to shift in his bonding.

"If they've always been here, why didn't they attack?"

"The obvious disadvantage of number and environmental adaptions. Use your brain, pirate alpaca." Simon made a mistake there, earning a punch to the face. His head swung sideways on impact but the scar healed to a smudge of blood on Simon's cheek in seconds.

The avengers clearly looked uncomfortable behind Fury.

"I may be immortal but I've only been this way for a few years - I can only keep human drinks down. So your still just hitting a 'kid'. I don't know everything about vampire history. - I'm hardly on good terms with them anyway." Simon scowled. Fury gestured for Simon to explain further.

"I'm the first, and hopefully last, of my kind: a vampire who can walk in daylight. I'm an abomination to the vampires for being part angel and an abomination to everyone else for being part vampire."

"Well," Nick Fury pivoted on his heel and gestured for the avengers to leave. "They were right."

Simon knew that and he hated himself for it.

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