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Simon had been sitting on his bed staring down at his new Torah for who knows how long. He was stuck in his thoughts. Maybe if he didn't move, he wouldn't be hungry until all this was over.

A robotic bell interrupted Simon, it was JARVIS: "You are needed downstairs, master Lewis."

Great. Despite feeling better, Simon was not in the mood for anything right now. He wiped his face and ran a hand through his hair before brushing off and leaving the room. JARVIS took him to where he was needed and Simon pushed the pulses from his mind. It wasn't roaring, it wasn't even loud, but after such a shake up it was going to be difficult to drown the heartbeats back to normal.

As soon as the lift stopped, Simon walked into a large meeting room where all the avengers (minus Thor) had gathered. They were all apparently waiting for the director.

"Simon, take a seat. Nick Fury should be here soon to settle your case." Natasha gestured towards a chair, she was the only one standing - probably on spy red alert. Simon nodded and sat down in the only available seat - next to Tony. Who leaned closer and spoke.

"'You alright, kid?" Simon brushed off the 'kid' part.

"Yeah, I was hungry. I'm sorry if I scared you."

"I'll admit I was a little startled, but I've seen worse."

"Like what?"

"Pepper Potts in the morning." Tony mumbled, "Don't tell her I said that." Simon smiled back.

"So you're good - I don't need to worry about your fangs and my open collar?"

"No. No, I can't control myself when I'm hungry but I just had some animal blood. I assure you I'd never drink human blood consciously. You didn't tell anyone, did you?" Simon asked Tony cautiously.

"And make an enemy out of a vampire? No thank you." Tony's eyes widened. "Plus you're a good kid."

"Thanks, I guess." Simon waited another few minutes, having silent conversations with a concerned Bruce, fun Clint, and worried Steve.


Eventually, the lift opened and Nick Fury stormed out. He took long strides over to Simon and gripped hold of his shirt, shoving him against the wall with enough force to daze him if he were still alive.

"Hey!" Simon yelled in shock.

"What are you?" Director Fury held a gun to Simon's chest threateningly.

"What the hell are you on about?" Simon held his hands up in surrender. The rest of the avengers had thrown their chairs back, standing ready for combat.

"Fury, he's human, what are you talking about?" Bruce stepped forward.

"Banner, don't think you're off the hook for not turning in the medical report." Nick hissed, "and Stark, you say the interrogation footage was lost. But we know that's not possible." Tony moved to disagree.

The elevator dinged open and an agent chucked Simon's bag onto the meeting table - or what was left of it. Nick kept his gun on Simon, who didn't care enough to tell him that bullets couldn't kill him. Fury snatched up half a flask of blood from the bag.

"There were three of these yesterday. Are you telling me you threw some of them out of the window?"

"They broke so I flushed them." Simon lied, maintaining eye contact. Then, Fury did what Simon hoped he wouldn't. He began unscrewing the bottle and Simon turned away. The stench invaded his nose unwillingly and Simon had to try very hard not to lash out. Then Nick clutched Simon's jaw to face him, it would've bruised if he could. He wafted the blood under Simon's nose, he kept looking away as his fangs snapped out, piercing his lip as he tried to cover them.

Fury's hold tightened and he threw the vial at the floor on the other side of the room. His eye glared and his nostrils flared with anger. All the avengers stared at Simon's mouth; some with fear, some with curiosity.

"Please." Simon pleaded through his teeth. Nick grabbed Simon's neck. It was a gesture to strangle Simon but he didn't breathe.

"I'm already dead, you know." Simon was still choking on his canines, the blood from his bottom lip was leaking down Simon's chin and was not helping his good image.

"I won't hurt anyone, let me go, I-"

"No. You are under arrest." Nick snatched Simon's hands and cuffed them.

"Because I'm different? Because I'm not human anymore?" Simon asked, his lisp gone with his teeth. "If that's the reason, then almost everyone in this room should be arrested."

Nick pushed Simon, in weak handcuffs, to the elevator door. Simon was stronger than the man - he could have just broken the cuffs and run. But he knew only guilty people ran and he was proving that he wasn't.
He wasn't in any real pain, not until they decided to engrave Jewish sigils into the handcuffs or into the bullets. He hoped they weren't creative enough for that.

I know what you're thinking: two chapters in two days! You disappear for a month and then this?
Yes. I have extra time since it's summer!!
Thank you few that actually read this, I enjoy writing this so I hope you enjoy reading.
And cheesy thanks over... continue reading.

Simon Lewis and The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now