When hell comes a-knocking

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Simon and Cap were called over to one particular part of the ring which looked a little like a bazooka on a stiff hinge pointing towards the encased arc reactor.

"You two can hold this lever- yep." Tony directed and Steve and Simon held onto the bazooka thing, making Simon feel a little dangerous with this responsibility combined with his supernatural clumsiness. Steve and Simon exchanged "Crap." looks.

"Magnus, your fire might be strong enough to charge this compound into forming a new element. If you would..."

"My pleasure, Howard- sorry." Magnus hit his head, "Tony."

"No problem." Tony replied distractedly, apparently not even noticing Magnus' mistake. Magnus stood at the end of the bazooka device, hands ready to spark. The others were positioned at various intervals around the ring, steadying the contraption whilst Tony checked the stats on his holographic screen from a remote keyboard.

"Ready, NOW!" Tony shouted. No one really knew what they were doing - apart from not blowing the building up that is. Magnus flexed his fingers and the magic thrummed powerfully and uncontrollably. It vibrated around the tube, clattering wildly and it took all of Simon's vampire strength and Cap's enhanced muscles to keep the beam of concentrated warlock flame shot directly at the tiny triangle a few feet away, at first they sliced a cabinet in half but no one spoke about it. The arc reactor visibly grew hot, lighting from metallic silver to white hot to blue -ish activation energy. Though, it miraculously refused to melt under the pressure. Whatever element this was that Tony was making was ridiculously strong (and working!).

When it began to vibrate and rattle in its cage, the Avengers' eyes blinked rapidly under new threat of explosion. Simon did all he could to keep his eyes open and focused on this star in front of him, narrowing his unluckily nocturnal vision to aim at the box.

Tony yelled to stop, which only Simon's sensitive ears could hear. He let go. The laser was uncontrolled with just Steve's hands on the lever, his heart leapt (figuratively). Fortunately Magnus noticed and withdrew before any further damage could be done.

The sudden absence of drumming racket hit the group like surfacing a lake to a wall of cold wind, except to Tony it appeared;

"Aha!" he laughed, unfazed, he vaulted over the beam to the box recklessly. Simon massaged his temples to melt the headaches away, left behind by the ruthless energy scream in the machinery. Though even as they subsided he swore he could still hear something.

"Thank you dad!" Tony cheered to the sky, using tongs to lower the small triangle into a different model of reactor.

"Congratulations, Sir, you have just made a new element." JARVIS commended hurriedly, "Now, could I bring to your attention-"

"Shush, JARVIS, this is a big moment don't ruin it." Tony cut off. Simon was sure it was just his headache had gone now, but a banging noise continued through only his mind. The problem was that he didn't need to feed and it wasn't heartbeats he could hear.

"Tony, are you sure its safe to be putting that in your body straight away?" Steve warned.

"That's a new element, we don't know the risks." Bruce uselessly argued. Magnus wasn't worried though, so Simon was sure it was safe enough (you can (almost) always trust an immortal). Tony closed the glass front of the arc reactor and excitedly yanked the old one out - making the group grimace - and threw it at the bin.

"You don't want to keep this?" Magnus asked, now holding it up and studying it with curiosity.

"Nah. You keep it." Tony replied, "Well here goes..." He pushed the reactor in the cavity of his chest and hit down on it. The effect was immediate: Tony looked like he'd had the world's strongest coffee ever invented coupled with an extreme adrenaline rush. His muscles pulled taught with newfound strength ad his eyes widened, more alive than he'd been in a long while.

"Whoohoo, yeah!" he cheered.

"Stark, there is a-" JARVIS tried yet again to alert Tony of something, but was cut off by... well, by his own power sourced cutting. All lights went red and JARVIS deadlocked and shut down, the only light visible was emanating from Tony's brightened chest. All of a sudden, the banging in Simon's head became loud enough that he noticed it was real and in the room. Tony, whilst still on a natural high, focused on the threat at hand.

"JARVIS? JARVIS activate!" Tony attempted, but his mechanical butler was electrically unconscious.

"Damn it." Tony yelled. The noise was coming from below them. A knocking from hell itself vibrating through the marble tiles. Simon couldn't do anything but crouch and cover his ears trying to shield himself from the sounds, too clear in his ears compared to the downright dullness the humans could perceive.

"Tony, suit up." Steve suggested.

"My suits aren't calibrated to this reactor, I can't call them too me and JARVIS isn't awake to send them."

"Do something!" Natasha ordered.

"Hold on, I can..." Tony ran to his desk and picked up a syringe from a draw, ripping off the end with his teeth and sticking the needle in his forearm.

"Tony, that hasn't been tested to the reactor, it could kill you!" Bruce scolded. Tony injected the Bluetooth fluid.

"So could the giant demon under the ground. Don't be such a wet blanket!" he sassed. "Besides, look at Simon, whatever this is must be bad if it's affecting him so badly."

He quickly cleaned the bit where the needle had come out with some cotton and called a suit to him. Mark 42 did not fly as smoothly as it should have done, but it did fly nonetheless.

The insistent knocking was a crescendo of deafening insanity, melting Simon's brain until he was certain it was leaking from his ears onto his hands, sticky and slick and red. His eyes pursed shut and he felt someone's hands on his shoulders, though didn't hear what they said nor saw who it was. All his senses were filled with this monstrous noise, belonging to something- someone infinitely more haunting and powerful. His skull felt like it would split in half under the beating against his ears, his throat growing hoarse for some reason.

A ding of an elevator broke through the noise, snipping the racket off like a fraying thread, the doors sliding open,

"Yes Simon," said the high voice of a handsome, purple-eyed warlock whom Simon didn't know. He didn't even know that he'd spoken before then.

"Hell is rising, more specifically a prince of hell is rising to take his son."

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