Chapter 1: What Happens Next

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It had been 2 weeks since this conversation took place and Steve had gotten back out and ready to take down who was behind this, They had gotten so close when all of a sudden there was a massive explosion, Steve awoke rather groggily he felt a warm liquid rolling down the side of his face and he knew immediately that he had broken ribs and a head injury. he sat up trying to figure out what happened when he noticed the lifeless body lying beside him.


I was awoken by a bang at the door, I rolled over checking the time 6AM. I was wondering who could possibly be awake and at the house at that time. Did we have a case? Had my phone died without me realising? I got up running down the stairs as fast as I could, I opened the door to get the shock of my life Steve was standing there. I felt dizzy was I imaging this?

"Good morning Danno." Steve smiled that big goofy grin of his I'd missed so much.

"Baby, yyyour home?" I stuttered continuing to figure out if I was dreaming or not.

"Yeah baby I'm home and I bring new's" Steve smiled walking into the house.

"What's your new's?" I smiled.

"I'm home for good Danno." Steve laughed placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You left the S.E.A.L.S?" I stuttered.

"Yeah." Steve laughed.

"Forever?" I questioned.

"Baby come here" Steve said grabbing my hand and taking me to the kitchen.

" What are you.." I started but was interrupted by gentle lips against my own.

When we eventually came up for breath we decided to make breakfast for the girl's and surprise them because they were still asleep and didn't know their dad was home.

While Steve laid the table after we made breakfast I went upstairs to get the girl's, a short time later they wobbled into the kitchen with puffy eyes from just waking up. Those faces soon changed when they realised who was sitting at the table. Steve stood up from the table in time to catch Milly as she flew at him.

"DADDY!!" Milly exclaimed happily.

"Hey baby girl I missed you." Steve replied while gesturing for me and Gracie to join them.

We stood like this for a few minutes, everybody getting used to the fact that Steve was back after a long and painful time. We eventually separated before sitting at the kitchen table where we ate and the girl's and I caught him up on everything he had missed.

After spending a couple of hours together I decided to phone Kono and Chin to ask them to look after the girl's they had told me whenever I needed some alone time to call them, we were planning to have a bbq tonight where we had invited family and friends and it was going to be a surprise when they arrived to find Steve back again. Kono and Chin agreed once they had came to pick up the girl's and left I headed upstairs to see my husband lying seductively on the bed in nothing but his boxer's waiting for me.

"I've been thinking that I've been away a while and we deserve some time in bed will you join me?" Steve asked me hopefully.

I without hesitation removed my clothes and placed myself on top of Steve we kissed for what felt like seconds but was really minutes when I had to come up for air. When Steve whispered

"I want you Danno."

I didn't waste any time before the underwear was flung across the room and I was going into the drawer beside the bed for a tube of lube I knew was there from the previous times before Super Seal left. The next thing I knew we had finished and got cleaned up and we were cuddling on the bed.

McDanno's Story Book 2Where stories live. Discover now