Chapter 5: Dealing with family issues

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*This chapter is based off of an episode, but I have done it from my point of view and what I think should have happened this will be split into 2 parts.*

Steve and Danny had been receiving leads about where Danny's missing brother Matty and where Marco Reyes was keeping him. Danny was told if he wanted to see his brother again he'd have to find 18 and a half million dollars.
They were told they had to take the money elsewhere and that the kidnapper would call with instructions nearer the time.

Steve held Danny closer than normal that night.

"Baby, listen to me. I promise you we will figure this out, and god do I wish this was about me instead of you. because you do not deserve this you have been through so much already in your life." Steve whispered kissing the top of his head.

"Babe thank you." Danny said lifting his head from Steve's chest and placing his lips on top of Steve's.

"How do we tell the girl's their uncle has been kidnapped and their threatening murder?" Danny cried into Steve's shoulder.

"Baby don't even think about that. I don't think we should tell the girl's yet maybe when we get back from wherever he is" Steve answered holding Danny closer drawing shapes on his back in comfort.

"I hope we figure this out soon" Danny whispered.

"Me too baby, me too." Steve whispered continuing with what he was doing before.

They both eventually fell asleep in a restless way.


It was 3AM when I realised my heater of a husband was no longer beside me, the bed felt cold. I started to panic grabbing my gun I slowly made my way around the house. When I got to the kitchen I saw my man sitting on the sand with his head in his hand. I quietly walked out kneeling down in front of him.

"Did I wake you?" Steve muttered lifting his head from his hands.

"No baby you didn't. Why aren't you in bed?" I asked, realising there was tears rolling down my husband's cheeks.

"couldn't sleep." Steve answered blankly.

"What's wrong?" I asked wiping Steve's cheeks and eyes before pressing a gentle kiss on Steve's forehead.

"P.T.S.D." Steve answered moving closer to me placing his head on my shoulder.

"Baby, you should have woken me, not came out here to suffer yourself." I whispered placing my hand on Steve's neck wrapping my other arm around his waist.

"I know Danno, I just thought that you are going through enough without me starting my bs." Steve whispered.

"Gorgeous look at me." I said waiting for Steve to look at me. "When you first came back from S.E.A.L.S, you told me you were okay with leaving me and the girl's because you didn't want to be a burden do you remember what I told you? I told you don't be stupid because I will always love you no matter what comes along nothing will ever come between us. But guess what I meant it and still do. No matter how late it is or what is happening in our lives never hesitate to wake me understand." I asked.

"I understand Danno." Steve said pressing a kiss to my lips before grabbing my hand and running towards the house.

When we got in we heard one of the babies crying so I ran upstairs and found Anna standing up in the cot crying. I lifted her out and gently calmed her, I felt arms gently go around my waist and a chin being placed on my shoulder. When she eventually fell asleep again we put her back to bed and went their ourselves.


"Williams" I said answering the phone.

"Bring the money to Columbia when you land tomorrow morning I will call once again with instructions." The caller said before ending the call.

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