Chapter 8: Who Was At The Door?

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"MUM?" Steve whispered, eyes wide and a gaping mouth.

"Yes Steven it's me! Aren't you going to invite your own mother in?"  Doris said as Steve stepped out her way.

"I thought you were dead." Steve said.

"WHO'S AT THE DOOR BABY?" Danny shouted down the stairs.

"Who is that?" Doris asked.

"You don't get to come here 20 years after me thinking you were dead and start asking questions about my life." Steve stated.

"Okay Steve I understand your angry but please show me some respect." Doris said.

"You cannot expect me to show you respect Doris, Dad sent us away because he thought Mare and I were in danger, because you were dead." Steve shouted.

"Since when did you call your mother by her name." Doris shouted back.

That's when Danny walked into the room.

"Steve babe are you okay?" Danny asked, wrapping his arm around Steve's waist and grabbing his hand.

"Not really baby, can you get me some water please?" Steve asked making eye contact with his husband.

"Of course be right back. Can I get you anything Mam?" Danny asked releasing Steve's hand.

"Nothing thank you." Doris smiled at Danny's politeness.

When Danny walked towards the kitchen, Doris spoke again.

"I know you have a lot of questions. I guess your biggest will be why?" Steve nodded and Doris continued. " I had to go into hiding because I was sent to kill a man named Wo Fat's father, but accidently killed his mother instead so I stayed to look after the child and then people were sent to kill me because I was looking after the child and hiding the father. I did it to protect you, Mary and your dad." 

"Wo Fat has been trying to kill me for years." Steve said.

"I had no idea I'm sorry." Doris answered.

That's when Danny walked back into the room placing two tall glasses on the coffee table one for Steve and the other for himself.

"Can someone answer my question please?" Doris answered.

"Which question?" Steve answered hastily.

"The one about who this man is?" She asked again.

"This is Daniel Williams- McGarrett." Steve introduced with a smile.

"It's lovely to meet you." Danny said reaching forward to shake is mother in laws hand.

"I'm sorry the way I'm hearing this is you two are married?" Doris said as a question ignoring the hand waiting mid air to shake hers.

"That's right." Steve said getting protective of not only himself but Danny too.

"I never took you for a gay." Doris answered.

"Well I am and if you'd been here you would have known, this is my husband and we have 2 wonderful daughters Grace and Milly and 2 beautiful granchildren Anna and Caleb." Steve answered.

"How the hell do you have kids let alone grankids?" Doris asked looking almost ashamed.

"I was married before I met Steve and Steve had a girlfriend before he met me." Danny answered.

"Okay but how do you have grandkids they must be 17 at most." Doris asked confused.

"That is a long story that we'd rather not get into at the moment." Steve answered.

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