Chapter 3: The aftermath of therapy

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Danny kept a hold of my hand all the way home, occasionally placing gentle kisses to the back of my hand. When we arrived back to the house we went our separate ways to pick up the girl's. We both agreed to meet at the nursery.


Steve waited at the gate for Milly. She ran up and jumped into his arms giggling as he tickled her gently.

"Hey baby girl, how was school?" Steve smiled hugging her tightly as he walked back to the car.

"It was fun daddy, we are reading a new book and we have learned most of the alphabet." Milly smiled excitedly.

"You know baby hearing your little laugh is exactly what I've needed." Steve smiled.

"What's wrong daddy?" Milly asked nervously.

"Just had a bad day." Steve smiled as he opened the door and putting Milly in her seat.

"Where are we going?" Milly asked as they took the left turn instead of the right turn.

"Going to meet dad and grace at the nursery to get the twins." Steve asked looking in the mirror to see her face.

"Can't we just go home?" Milly asked screwing up her face.

"Milly, don't start I've had a long enough day." Steve said no longer smiling.

"Okay daddy, are we going home after the nursery?" She asked less than happy.

"I'm not sure yet, i think we were going for shave ice but unless you change your attitude that wont be happening." Steve said.

"Okay." Milly said.

They made their way towards the nursery Milly seemed happier when she saw Danny and Grace exiting the camero. They pulled into a parking space and as steve got out Danny moved closer grabbing Steve's hand and kissing his cheek.

"Hey baby, you feeling better?" Danny asked as they moved towards the door.

"Much, thank you for earlier." Steve smiled.

"It's no problem you can make it up to me later." Danny said as he discretely winked in Steve's direction.

"Oh will I now I think it could be you that is making me feel even better." Steve giggled and they walked through the door.

They collected the twin's and headed towards the camaro and Silverado.

"Wish we didn't have both car's" Steve said.

"Me either but their isn't enough room." Danny smiled in Steve's direction letting his hand go.

"Are you taking the twins or the girl's?" Steve asked just as both the girl's moved towards them.

"What are we doing once we leave here?" Grace asked.

"Not sure why?" Steve asked.

"I wanted to go on a date." Grace replied shyly.

"Okay, but be careful do you have time for shave ice with your sister?" Danny asked.

"Ehh yeah we were going to the cinema at 8 tonight so I can eat and put the twin's to bed." Grace said.

"Okay but remember it is a school night." Danny added.

"I promise." Grace smiled excitedly running to the car.

"Wait Grace, who's your boyfriend." Steve asked with a smirk.

"His name, is Will Grover." Grace hesitated.

"Your dating the S.W.A.T captains son." Steve laughed.

"Ehh yeah why?" Grace hesitated once more.

"We've had a few run ins with captain Grover and I'm not sure he's keen on us but go enjoy yourself baby you deserve to be happy the last couple of years have been rough for us all but you especially." Danny smiled.

"He has invited me and my parents for dinner tomorrow can you come please maybe it'll change his mind I'll mind out more tonight." Grace smiled.

"Okay but get in the car baby." Danny smiled.

Grace put Anna and Caleb in Steve's Silverado and headed to the camaro, taking Milly with her. Steve and Danny stood chatting for a minute before Steve leant down to kiss Danny, before walking to his truck.

They both drove to Kamekona's where they all had shave ice before heading home.

The next day

Everyone was at school and nursery and Steve and Danny were at Iolani palace where their HQ is located. They had a case they had been working for a short time and they were getting closer to Jason Duclair (an arsonist). They set out early afternoon to go to the North shore where they had evidence to believe that's where they believed Jason to be. After a few hours and a few round of gunshots they found Jason and were on their way back. They had taken him to Honolulu police department where he'd be transported to Halawa correctional facility.

Steve and Danny headed back to the car where they, began to head home.

"Baby how awkward do you think tonight is going to be?" Danny asked looking at Steve as he turned the corner into their street.

Steve pulled into the parking spot and turned to his husband taking his hand.

"You don't need to be nervous baby, just be happy our daughter isn't thinking all men are like that weasel who got her pregnant because of his uncle, which I feel partly to blame for but don't get me started on that." He said as a tear rolled down his eyes. "Maybe it wont be as bad as you think." Steve said hoping that would make him feel better and less nervous.

"You are no where near to blame for what happened to grace that was not your fault why would you even think that?" Danny asked looking at Steve.

"Because Wo fat was my enemy first he killed my dad and I had something against him and then you became my partner and then his nephew started dating Grace and did that to her." Steve said looking away.

"Steven that was not your fault I chose to introduce to my daughter to become your partner to work with you and then I chose to marry so shut up and stop blaming yourself."

"Okay! I think we should go into the house and start getting ready to go and meet Grace's boyfriends family for dinner." Steve said smiling a little.

"Yeah maybe we should." Danny agreed.

They went into the house and got changed and ready to go. They left the house heading to the car where they'd meet grace at the Grover household. Steve and Danny both got in the car where they held hands on the way whilst Steve drove. When they pulled up outside of the house where they'd meet the family of their daughter's boyfriend.

Steve and Danny walked up towards the door keeping their fingers intertwined with on another. Steve gently knocked on the door.

"Mcgarrett what are you doing here?" Grover asked less than pleased to see him.

"We are here for dinner with our daughter's boyfriend and his family." Steve replied with a smile.

"Well I guess you... wait you are Grace's family?" Grover asked looking very confused.

"Yeah she's my daughter genetically and Steve's step-daughter." Danny said with a smile squeezing Steve's hand.

Grover moved out of the way and let them in Renee his wife pointing them to the kitchen.

"Hey Gracie, will" Steve said smiling.

"Hey dad and Danno." Grace  smiled walking towards them for a hug kissing both of them on the cheek.

After the very awkward greeting they received they actually had a very pleasant meal and they all approve of the relationship. They say their goodbyes before heading to pick up Milly.

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