Chapter 6: Tell The Kids We're Coming Home!!

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I knelt down beside Danny, I held him close trying to stop his body shaking like it was. I helped him to his feet, wrapping my arms around his shoulder his arms wrapped gently around my waist.

"Hey, hey , hey sweetheart  it was an accident you didn't mean to shoot him you were upset and angry. " I whispered as I gently touched his head with my hand. "Do you want to get back to the hotel now?" I whispered this time lifting his chin so I could see his face. "Hey, look at me I know that this is hard and that you made a mistake and your hurting but baby I am here for you nothing is going to stop me I'm here to protect you and I will never stop loving you." I said placing my forehead against his as he diverted his eyes.

"Can we just go back to the hotel." Danny whispered.

With that we left, I could tell for the 2 days following in the hotel he was tired, scared, upset and angry, I didn't know what to do I'm not the best at talking about feelings, but I know I'm pretty good at trying to comfort. I walked out of the bathroom to see Danny sitting in the chair outside the bedroom on the veranda with his head in his hand's with his shoulder's shaking.

I walked over to Danny and knelt in front of him wrapping my hands gently around his wrists so I could see his beautiful face.

"Hey, Danno, you know I love you I'm always going to be here for you but what happened to that guy back there that wasn't your fault it was an accident. He hurt your family, He deserved what he got. I know that this is going to stick with you for a while Danno, but I'm here to hold your hand every step of the way." I whispered comfortingly cupping his cheek.

Danny leant into my touch before gently kissing me.

"I really do love you honey." Danny whispered smiling against my lips.

"I love you too baby why don't we get ready to go home." I replied.

Danny nodded with a smile.

"I'll phone Kono and Chin." I said standing up and walking into the room.

Chin picked up the phone after 4 rings.

"Hey boss man how's our guy?" Chin said.

"He's doing okay he's going to have to take a while to get over what happened which we'll explain when we get home." I said.

"We'll be here waiting." Chin smiled into the phone.

"Tell the kids we're coming home." I smiled excitedly.

"I will Steve brother don't worry they're doing good they miss you." Chin said honestly.

"We miss them too we are going to finish packing give them a hug for us ." I smiled.

With that we hung up and I went back to the room.


I walked into the kitchen where Kono and the girl's were eating some food while the babies took a nap.

"Hey I've got some good news." I smiled as the girl's turned around to look up at me.

"Is Danno and Daddy coming home?" Milly asked with her big puppy dog eyes.

"They are sweetheart." I smiled leaning down to hug her.

"Yay when?" Milly jumped up excitedly.

"Real soon baby real soon." Chin smiled as Milly jumped at him wrapping her tiny arms around his neck.

"Danno and Dad are coming home none of them are hurt are they?" Grace asked concerned.

"Not as far as I know but I guess we'll find out when they get here." I said watching as Kono wrapped a comforting arm around the young women's shoulder's.

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