Chapter 4: The Holiday

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Steve and Danny decided it was time to plan a proper family holiday, since they hadn't had one since their wedding got ruined. They began to look at destinations that were good for families that consist of under 10's and young adults.

They had been looking for under an hour when they found the perfect destination Sydney Australia. After making their decision they decided it was time to tell the girl's.

They all sat in dining room over dinner when the subject was brought up.

"Grace how do you feel about a family holiday?" Danny asked.

"Sounds fun, but it'd be expensive because of the babies. plus my job isn't paying enough for me to pay for the three of us." Grace said with a slight smile.

"Grace baby, we dont want you to pay. We are going to Australia." Steve smiled.

"Can i bring someone with me? We will figure out a way to pay for them." Grace smiled.

"Will?" Danny asked.

"Yeah!" Grace said hopefully.

"I guess so. We will phone his parents and ask as soon as dinner's finished." Danny said.

"We can even keep the babies in our room." Grace smiled.

"Can i bring a friend?" Milly chimed in.

Steve and Danny both glanced at each other. Whilst Steve leant over and brought her onto his lap.

"Baby, I'm not really sure we can this time your still really little and we will have the twin's too, it would be a wee bit too much maybe in a couple of years when Grace is too old for family holidays." Steve smirked as he glanced at Grace.

"Who said i'd ever be too old for family holidays?" Grace laughed.

"Okay Milly make that when Grace is paying for her and Anna and Caleb okay." Steve smiled kissing her cheek.

"Okay Daddy." Milly said less than happy.

After all the little's going to bed, Danny and Steve decided since Grace was busy researching the holiday it was time to phone Grover.

Lou answered after five rings.

"McGarrett what do you want?" Lou answered grumpily.

"We were hoping that Will could come to Australia with us" Steve said hopefully.

"Let me and Renee think about it, when are you going?" Lou asked slightly happier.

"June 11th until june 25th." Steve answered.

"I'll call you back." Lou said before hanging up.

Steve turned to Danny with a little smile.

"Well that seems promising." Steve laughed.

"Well we go in 3 weeks so he better make up his mind fast." Danny smiled.

A few hours later Danny and Steve were brought back from unconscious after a short nap with the buzz of a phone nearby. Steve sat up moving around trying to find it eventually bringing it to his ear with a slightly confused "Mcgarrett".

"Hey, will can go with you guys" Grover said you could tell it was happily.

"Okay we go in 3 weeks, we'll get in touch nearer the time woth details." Steve replied with his own smile.

"Will is going to be happy I'll let him know" Lou returned.

After saying their goodbyes and speak soon they hung up.


They had arrived in Australia, they recieved their room keys and made their way to their seperate rooms.

Steve took Danny's hand and grabbed the suitcase whilst Danny grabbed Millys. They got to the their room which had a king sized double and a single bed. Along with a tea and coffee station and their bathroom.

Gracie's was much the same except instead of the singles bed they had a medium to large cot for the babies.

They all began to unwind and unpack, as it was nearly bed time for Milly and the twins. After unpacking amd placing Milly in bed saying good night and heading to the bathroom Steve and Danny rolled into bed beside each other.

The next day they went down to the beach and played with the kids whilst also taking a little time to themselves.

Steve and Danny left the kids on the beach and walked hand in hand to get ice cream. They talked and smiled, afterall this is the first time in a while they had been on holiday as a family and had some time away from hawaii and the stress of the job.

The rest of the holiday went much the same with the occasional theme park insight. They made memories before making their way back home again.

Sorry this chapter is so short, the next chapter will be much longer and better. Hope your enjoying my book so far. X

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