Chapter 9: Questions.

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After waking up feeling emotionally drained, Steve and Danny went to meet Doris. They chose a quiet cafe, to talk.

"I have a lot of questions and very little time." Steve stated when Doris sat.

"Why do you have such little time?" Doris asked curiously.

"Because we have to go and collect our kids and grandkids from a friend in an hour." Steve said.

"Can't he do that?" Doris asked visually annoyed.

"In this relationship we do everything together especially when it comes to our kids. So no Danny can't go do it." Steve said.

"Okay, so questions Steven." Doris said.

"Yes, I know you told me why, but my next question is why did you never come home?" Steve said and Danny took his hand in his as a sign of comfort.

"You see, when I 'died' I went into hiding to look after the child who I had accidently killed his mother. Eventually he grew up and left home, going after you presumably. I found out you were in the Navy and I found out your dad died and I guess in my own selfishness I couldn't bring myself at the time to come home" Doris answered.

"So what your telling me is, we have had to wait all this time because your couldn't be bothered to face up to your mistakes." Steve said a tear rolling down his cheek. "I need some time we're going to get the kids I'll call you when I'm ready to talk." Steve said standing up.

Danny stood up following Steve out of the cafe grabbing his hand pulling him to a halt, when they were both completely stopped Danny tried to comfort him.

"Hey baby, don't get yourself upset. I know that must sound rediculous because of the circumstances but I'm here for you. Why don't we get the kids, and take them out for the day give you a breather?" Danny asked.

"That's a good idea Danno, can I get a hug?" Steve asked opening his arms.

Danny stepped closer placing his arms around Steve's waist, standing on his toes to place a kiss to Steve's lips.

They seperated grabbing each other's hands and walking to the car.

"Hey, your taking this so well baby." Danny said squeezing Steve's hand reassuringly.

"I think we should spend some time with the kids and then we'll go back and talk and hope that I'll be calmer this time." Steve suggested.

"That sounds good sweetheart, but only if your sure." Danny replied not letting go of Steve's hand.

"I'm sure baby thank you." Steve said taking the left turn to Kono's house to collect the girl's.

They spent a few hours at Kono's catching up and thanking her for taking care of the girl's. Kono was just as shocked as Steve and Danny that Doris was back. After leaving Kono's they ate dinner, after eating Steve and Danny made sure Grace was alright to watch the twins and Milly for a short time while they went to see someone.

After making sure they made their way to the car, Steve in the drivers side as usual with Danny's hand in his comforting him the whole way.

"Baby I don't think I can do this." Steve said pulling over on the highway and turning to Danny.

"That's okay gorgeous, I'm not going to force you this is completely your decision, but what I need you to know is that whatever you decide I'm not going anywhere I will stay completely by your side for the rest of our lives." Danny whispered squeezing Steve's hand before continuing. "I will never agree with what Doris did, she broke your heart and you can't even have your dad or sister by your side to help you. What you do have though is me and the girl's." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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