Chapter 2: Therapist

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I turned over to see the time 6:30AM, absolute silence in house Danny's gentle snore beside me and the girl's both asleep along with the twins in the other rooms. I decided I may as well get up, and maybe go for a swim. Last night was good has me distracted, but waking up alone has me right back where I don't want to be.

I got out of bed slowly stumbling to the drawer, to get my swim shorts. I dropped my underwear quickly changing so as not to wake Danno, and I left the room.

I think I'd been swimming for around and hour when I decided to turn back, that's when I saw my husband waiting for me just in front of the ocean at the table and chairs with coffee. I missed that he did it almost every day before I left. I swam as fast as I could, and when I got out of the water I ran and picked Danny out of the chair spinning him around.

"Good morning baby" Danny giggled.

"Good morning Danno." I said as I squeezed him a little tighter.

"Baby are you okay?" Danny whispered concerned.

"Yeah, I was just out swimming and when I was coming back I saw you sitting waiting for me and it just made me realise how much I missed you in general and when I went for a swim I knew you'd always be waiting for me with coffee every morning." I said with a smile as I put him on the sand.

"I missed you too, do you know the first couple of weeks I always put out a plate out for you at breakfast and dinner and going to work without you was just weird. I missed having you drive our car like maniac." Danny smiled as he placed his head in the crook of my neck.

" I know baby, but that is exactly why I left the Navy." I smiled into the back of his neck.

"And I'm glad you.... wait you knew???" Danny lifted his head to make eye contact.

"Yeah I was sending letters to Grace as well as you." I said meeting his eyes hoping he wasn't pissed.

"seriously why didn't anybody tell me???" Danny near yelled as he escaped my arms.

"Danno, I didn't mean it to hurt you I just wanted to make sure you were okay I was concerned for you I wanted to make sure work was good and you hadn't been injured because I knew you weren't going to tell me but I knew our girl would." I smiled hoping it would change his mood.

"It didn't hurt me" Danny said walking further into the water.

"I'm glad." I said as I walked towards him trying to put my arms around him once more, but he stepped away.

"Danno?" I asked confused.

"WHAT??" Danny yelled back.

"What did I do?" I said trying to walk closer, but I stopped.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you, it's just.." Danny said as he ran towards me with tears gently rolling down his cheeks.

" hey baby, its okay. We're all under pressure and I've been away for a while things weren't going to be perfect when I came home, we all knew that when I left." I said as he put his head on my shoulder snaking his arms around my waist.


Steve and Danny got out the car hand in hand after dropping the girl's at school and leaving the twin's at nursery, They were going to Steve's first appointment to help with his P.T.S.D. When they arrived they signed in and took a seat waiting to be called.

When Steve was eventually called, they were told Danny couldn't come in because it was about the war and no civilians can know. Danny once again took a seat waiting for Steve to finish.

McDanno's Story Book 2Where stories live. Discover now