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When Aphmau and Peter walked in Aphmau went into the kitchen and made a small snack and gave Eli and Celeste a treat.

"Here you go Peter, a nice snack!"

"Thanks Aphmau, you're being such a huge help, I appreciate it, like a lot."

"It's really no problem Peter." Aphmau said giving him a warm smile.

That night Aphmau layed in bed with Aaron as they were talking.

"His parents killed each other?"

"Yeah, I told him he could stay with us, if that's ok with you."

"Yeah that's fine with me, but still, that's crazy! So, did you recognize his parents when you saw them?" Aphmau went quiet. "Aph?"

"I-I don't know.... They looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it, so we left." Aaron nodded and gave Aphmau a kiss on the cheek.

"Night babe,"

"Night Aaron." Aphmau said, slowly falling asleep.

In the morning Aphmau woke up in a cold sweat. She looked at her side and noticed Aaron gone. He must have already left to go to work. Aphmau thought. She got up and stretched and went downstairs to wake Peter up, but to her surprise, he was already awake.

"Good morning Aphmau! How did you sleep last night?"

"Um... Pretty good," She lied. "How well did you sleep last night?"

"Great! Eli decided to sleep with me, so he layed on my legs half the night. It's actually kind of nice to have pets!" Peter said, gleaming.

"Glad to hear." Aphmau looked at the clock on the wall, 5:30 a.m. She walked into the kitchen and poured out some cereal for her and Peter. At 6:20 they walked out the door and got into Aphmau's car and drove down to the school.

Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to come up with a chapter, my original plan didn't really work. But anyways, here it is! Sorry for the bad title too, I couldn't really think of one.

Stay Gold,


Aphmau the WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now