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In the morning, Aphmau got coffee and started to make some eggs with bacon and toast when Aaron came down.

"Good morning babe," He said kissing her on the cheek.

"Good morning Aaron! How did you sleep last night?"

"Pretty good, you?"

"Really well!" Just then Peter slowly woke up. "Good morning Peter! How did you sleep last night?"

"Good," He smelled the air. "Is that bacon I smell?"

"Yep! I make them every Monday morning."

"Delicious!" Peter said with a smile.

Aphmau served breakfast and they all sat down and ate their eggs, bacon, and toast. When they were done eating, Aphmau drove Peter to school and then went to the pet store to grab some more food for Alexander and Celeste. After she dropped off the food at the house she left to go to the school, and this time, Peter went straight to the woods. Aphmau expected him to be there when she went in, and he was. They walked back to Peter's house and talked.

"So why do you wear that hood all the time?"

"I guess you could say I'm famous for some not so good stuff."

"Really? Like what?"

"I was put into court because my dog bit someone, I was found innocent after the person who was bit was seen in the street without a bit mark the next day and he said it was so deep he would die with the scar. Even though it was false because, it was still put on my record and now everyone is afraid of me and my dog."

"Wow, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's ok, that was years ago so, people don't often remember that."

"So is that why you where that hood, just to make sure."

"I'm also famous for something only my friends know, but if people were to see my face, they would know who I was."

"But I've seen your face, and I don't know who you are."

"Then you're safe. A lot of people are after me because I'm quote on quote, 'dangerous'."

Hm... I wonder why... Peter thought.

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