Riding to O'Kasis

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After school Aphmau and Peter walked home as usual. Everything was normal. They would go home, get snacks and then Peter would then do his homework. Later that night Aaron would come home and they would then have dinner and play a short game together as a family. Then go to bed.

It has now been a couple months that Peter has been staying with Aphmau and Aaron. It would be the same thing every night. Until one, very special night.

"Hey Peter, can you come down here for a moment?" Aphmau called upstairs. Peter now had a room of his own and Aphmau actually adopted him a few weeks after his parents funeral.

"Sure thing mom!" Peter ran down the stairs and sat on the couch next to Aphmau and Aaron. "What's up?" So, since it's almost the end of the school year," Aaron started.

"We decided to take a family vacation!" Aphmau squealed.

"Really?! Where to?!" Peter said, getting a little bouncy.

"O'Kasis!" They said in unision. O'Kasis was a very nice place.

"We have some friends from there and they said they were going and invited us along!"

"Have I met your friends?"

"You've met the middle child, Zane, but I don't think you've met the oldest, Garroth. We're all riding together so you will meet them soon." Peter beamed.

"Thanks mom, thanks dad!" He said giving them a hug.

"No problem Peter, anything for family."

A couple days later...

"Hurry up Peter! Garroth and Zane are here!"

"They are?! I'll be down in a minute!" He yelled down the stairs. A minute later he came running down the stairs with two bags in his hands. One with all his stuff and the other for the car ride.

"Alright, ready to go Peter?" Aaron asked.


"Sweet! Now, let's go!" Aphmau said running out the door. Everyone got in the car and the journey began.

A couple days later they finally arrived. O'Kasis, the land of beauty. Everyone got out of the car and Peter was engulfed in awe.

"It's so sick here!"

"Thanks, this is where me and my little brother were born!" Garroth said, proudly.

"Can you stop calling me 'little brother'?" Zane said annoyed.

"What's the magic word?"

"You'll be dead."

"Nope! Not even close!"

"Fiine. Please." Zane  mumbled.

"That's more like it!" Garroth giggled. Together they walked into the hotel they were staying at with all their stuff. "The two rooms for Romeave please."

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