Hit Me Up

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I woke up to the sound of my ringtone. *CLUB GOIN UP, ON A TUESDAY!* 'Ughhh who's calling me?' I rolled over in my bed and grabbed my phone, dropping it in shock when I felt how hot it was. I quickly picked it up answered the call.

"Hey honey, it's 1pm, you might wanna wake up." I heard my mom's voice come through the speaker. "I'm gonna go run some errands. I'll be back in an hour." I groaned. I hated being alone.

"Ok then. Bye mom." I spoke into the speaker. After the call ended, I dropped my overheating phone again.

"Why the hell are you so hot? And why am I talking to inanimate objects?" I pressed the home button to see why my phone was freaking out. It lagged for a few seconds but when it finally turned on, I could see that it was flooded with notifications. 'WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!' I quickly turned off push notifications. It started to perform at it's normal speed. I opened instagram to see that somehow overnight I had gained over 2,000 followers and thousands of likes. The ringtone played again as I received an incoming call from Kendal and picked up immediately.

"YOUR ACCOUNT IS BLOWING UP, BITCH!" her voice almost broke my speaker.

"GIRL CHILL. AND I KNOW!" I laughed back.

"I guess people noticed episode's post." she said.

"I'm kinda surprised it didn't happen sooner to be honest." I scrolled through all of the notifications on my phone.

"Oh, hey, the twins are texting us again." She notified me.

"I don't think I'll ever be over that." I smiled.

"What, the fact that they they're talking to us? Cause yeah same." I finally grabbed my glasses and sat up in bed, hanging up the call.

Ethan: since we need to talk to your parents today, we should probably figure out a time to call you guys tonight

Kendal: yeah, that'd be a good idea ;D

Grayson: so, anya is three hours ahead of us and kendal...?

Ethan: she's two hours ahead of us

Anya: yup
Anya: how about 1 pm for you guys?

Kendal: Yeah, by 3 pm my mom would be home from from work

Ethan: yeah, we're good

Grayson: we'll talk to you soon :)

Kendal: ttyl

Anya: bye :)

I rolled out of bed and got ready, putting on some shorts and a sweatshirt. I went down and ate breakfast while watching tv. Everything seemed normal.

All of a sudden, the phone starts ringing with a call. 'Who is this, an unidentified number?' I furrowed my brow and picked up.

"Hello? Who am I speaking to?" I asked, deciding to reveal no information to caller.

"Hey baby. Its Hunter." I heard a slick voice. I could feel the blood drain from my face.

"How the fuck did you get my phone number, Hunter?" I tried to stop my voice from shaking.

"Awww, is someone scared? You don't have to be scared of me baby. I know you want me." His voice had a rough edge to it and it brought back painful memories. Memories where he had said the exact same words. And I believed him.

"If you call me one more time, I'll take up the court's offer on extending that restraining order. Delete my number and never contact me again." I hung up and slammed the phone into the ground, food and tv forgotten. The memories all started coming back, one by one, hitting me hard. I could feel my breaths get shorter and shorter, tears leaking out of my eyes. 'Panic attack, FUCK. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.' I closed my eyes and repeated this little statement until my breathing became stable again.

"Honey, I'm hom- oh my god what happened?!" My mom dropped the groceries and rushed to my side. I was crying and shaking like a leaf.

"Hun- Hunter found my number a-and I had to talk to hi-him. Everything came back to me I-I don-" I took a deep breath in.

"Block his number and extend the restraining order. Deep breaths, honey." She rubbed my back, a grim expression on her face. What Hunter had done to me had traumatized and frightened me. I was downright terrified of what he could do to me now. I calmed myself down in my mother's arms.

"I'm better now mom." She slowly removed her arms from around me.

"Here, I want you to stay near me ok?" She stood up.

"Ok, I'm going to edit. I'll show you what that means." I smiled a watery smile. She nodded and tended to the groceries. I went upstairs and grabbed my computer. I came back downstairs and relaxed on the couch and started a new edit, inspired by the recent events. After about 2 hours of mom cleaning the house, she plopped down on the couch next to me.

"So what is this editing thing you were talking about?" She relaxed in right next to me.

"Since the twins are youtubers, they have lots of clips of themselves on the Internet. I take those video clips, download them and then edit them to audios with transitions and make it look cool. Here let me show you." I turned the laptop and showed her. I could see her face change from confusion to wonder.

"Oh my god, Anya, that's AMAZING!" She was shocked.

"Calm down mom, I'm not even that good of an editor. There are people who are MUCH better than me." I laughed.

"Lemme see!" She tugged at my phone childlishly.

"Okay, okay!" I laughed again and showed her some appropriate edits.

"Wow, these people are incredibly talented. Is this your passion?" She handed the phone back to me.

"Honestly, I think so. I absolutely love editing and cinematography." I smiled happily at my mom's interest and acceptance. She was the best person I had and her acceptance meant everything to me.


"What's that?" She asked. I looked at my phone and panicked.

"We're gonna be doing a facetime call with the twins in half an hour!" I spazzed.

"Calm down honey! Go get ready for those handsome boys!" She wriggled her eyebrows.

"MOM STOP." I cringed. She laughed.

"Also, who's we?" She asked.

"Oh yeah you'll get to meet my Internet friend as well and you're also on the call with me since they're getting parental permission." I explained.

"Well then." She said.

"DONT ACT WEIRD OKAY MOM." I shoved her lightly.

"No promises." She winked and got up. 'Oh no.' I groaned and went to get ready. I went upstairs and pulled my hair into a ponytail thing and slipped on a hoodie.

'I guess this works fine.' I put on chapstick and went downstairs. I ran to my phone and saw I had 5 minutes until the call would start.


Kendal: OMFG


I felt myself heat up so I walked to a window and cracked it open, the gust of air cooling me immediately. I sighed.



'Oh fuck I should be ready too.' The phone buzzed with an incoming call. 'Too late.' I held my breath and pressed *accept call*. I waited until the signal connected and the accept went through. My heart pounding, I saw their faces pop up on the screen along with my best friend's face.

"Hey Anya!" I heard Grayson say.

"And Kendal!" Ethan added on.


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