True Happiness

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A light cough sounded from behind me. I realized I was just standing still and there were other people who were trying to exit the terminal. I could see Grayson laughing at me for just standing there. Ethan was no where to be found. Close behind them is Cam who is recording everything. I haul my ass out of the terminal, wondering if all of this is a dream. Getting closer and closer to him, I slow down.

'This cannot be happening. This isn't real.' I almost freeze up in place. Then, he opens his arms. 'Why not?' His face says. I run at him, jumping into a hug when I finally reach him. He helps me swing my legs around his waist where he just hugs me tight.

In that moment, all I can feel is pure happiness and wonder. That someone who barely knows me can still love me so much. Someone who unknowingly helped me through hard times doesn't understand how thankful I are for him. Well, them. There were a set of two twins.

He sets me down on my feet, not breaking the hug. He holds me tighter as I close your eyes and lean against him, the most genuine smile on my face.

"Hey Anya." I can hear the bright smile in his voice.

"Hey Grayson." My response muffled by his shirt. He looks down at you the same time you look up at him. Finally, I make genuine eye contact with him. The two of us are just smiling and looking at each other, the rest of the world forgotten. The trance is shattered when you hear a 'click'! Cam is standing there laughing evilly with the camera. Grayson and I look around, startled to see that the two of us caused quite a spectacle and people had been watching with smiles on their faces. That whole interaction had lasted all of a fleeting 6 seconds.

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"Shit." Cam mutters and she pushes the two of  us away from the crowd, going to a less populated place. She went off to go answer her phone.

"Sorry about that it's just-" Grayson starts.

"You don't want a mob to form and you want your privacy." I cut him off, smile never leaving my face.

"Exactly, but not only me, you too." He agrees.

"Where's Ethan?" I noticed the other twin was missing.

"He's gonna go get Kendal because she's in a different terminal altogether. Cam's gonna be recording them meet up." He says. He looks at me again. Heat rushes to my cheeks.

"What?" You ask.

"Oh no, it's nothing. I didn't think you'd be that short." He snickered.

"It's not MY fault you're a giant." I shoot back, defensive.

"We just need to wait a while for Ethan to pick up Kendal." Cam came back from her phone call. I perk up at the name of my best friend. They noticed and both laughed.

"I'm going to go to Kendal's terminal and then I'll tell you when you guys can come." Grayson nodded and she took off. The two of us stood there in silence until you he rested his arms on my shoulders.

"Hey!" I exclaimed indignantly. Yes I was short but he didn't have to make fun of me.

"What?" He was smirking.

"I don't like you." I said with finality in my voice.

"Yes, you do. I mean, how could you not like this?" He pointed at himself. Sassy dick.

"Oh, get over yourself." I scoff. We stand there for a minute before bursting into laughter. We were arguing like we had been best friends for years. He takes his phone out of his pocket to answer a call.

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