MA to LA

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I slammed the door of my uber a little too hard out of excitement.

"Shit, sorry!" I yelled behind the quickly departing vehicle. I pushed my cart to the check-in counter, bouncing every step of the way.

"Hello, welcome to Virgin America, can I see your ticket?" The woman at the counter asked pleasantly. I handed her my ticket, humming.

"Anya- oH!" She exclaimed. I snapped to attention.

"Is there anything wrong?" I asked, worried. This trip couldn't be over before it started, right?

"No, no. Its actually the opposite." She smiled. I smiled back uncertainly. She took my check in luggage and took care of them. I quickly grabbed my carry on bag.

"Leah! Can you take care of Ms. Anya here?" She gestures to a bored woman standing to the side. She immediately perks up.

"No problem, but im supposed to be taking care of minors." Leah asked, confused.

"I am a minor." I laughed sheepishly.

"Wait, seriously?!" She started to lead me towards the security line. "You look a lot older." She unclipped a belt and ushered me into an empty security line. I was confused. How was a security line empty?

"Why am I-" my voice faded when I turned around and realized Leah was waiting for me at the other end of security. I quickly finished that up, the empty security line forgotten. The two of us talked and walked to the terminal. When we finally reached the seats, I made a motion to sit. Before I even had the chance, Leah had tugged my sleeve.

"Don't sit down just yet." She said, eyes sparkling.

"Why not? The flight boards in an hour. I have time to kill." I asked, weirded out by her very happy expression.

"Now boarding all First Class passengers and Elite members." The intercom buzzed. I stood there waiting for an explanation when Leah grabbed me by the arm. I yelped as I almost fell.

"Leah, where are you taking me?" I cried out. She didn't answer and instead pushed me into the first class line. I look around for a solid minute before it hit me.

"No way, they did not buy me a first class ticket." My jaw dropped. Leah held out my first class ticket with a smug grin. I took it from her hand.

"One first class ticket for Grayson Dolan en route to L.A." She recited as I read off the ticket in disbelief. I turned in shock when I heard my name be called. I walked up to the counter in a daze. The hostess scanned my ticket.

"Welcome to Virgin America, I hope you enjoy your flight." She smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled back, getting over my little surprise.

"Leah, wait!" I called after the retreating woman's back. She turned and came back.

"What-oh!" I gave her a small hug.

"Thank you for your help." I said.

"No problem. I hope you enjoy your flight." She said and left. I walked onto the plane and was escorted to my seat. When I got settled, I whipped out my phone and immediately called Ethan, knowing that the twins were together after seeing their snapchat.

"DID YOU PLAN ALL OF THIS?!" I said as loud as I could on a plane.

"Hey Anya!" Ethan's cheery voice came through the speaker. I could hear Grayson laughing in the background. Sorry, wheezing.

"Take me off of speaker phone dumbass!" I said angrily. They continued to laugh. I rolled your eyes with a small smile.

"You're not supposed to spend that much money on me!" I chastised.

"Anya stop we wanted to." Their amused voices said my name in sync. My heart skipped a beat.

"Please turn all electronics off or put them in airplane mode." A calm, collected voice came over the speakers.

"Well, I'll see you guys soon, okay?" I smiled at the thought.

"Yup. We'll finally meet in person. OH AND WE MIGHT'VE TWEETED SOMETHING BYEEEE!" They again said in unison, hanging up.

"WAIT WHAT-" I quickly opened twitter and checked their profiles.

@ ethandolan
warehouse winner has been picked ;)

@ graysondolan
you'll find out who they are soon :)))

I screenshotted and sent a text to Kendal.
People were already guessing I was the winner because of the recent public interactions that had happened.

@ scintillatingdolans
retweeted graysondolan 's tweet
replying to @ graysondolan

retweeted ethandolan 's tweet
replying to @ ethandolan
"tell us u assclown aND DON'T TWEET AND RUN-"

Hopefully that would stop the people who were thinking it was me.

@ ethandolan liked your tweet
@ graysondolan liked your tweet

I put my phone on airplane mode, sighing. They should know that liking my replies would not help. I leaned back into my comfortable chair with a smile and dozed off.


@ ethandolan retweeted your tweet
@ ethandolan replied to your tweet
     "our winner is— ;) 🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽"

———time skip the plane ride cuz im lazy———

"Please fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing shortly." The loud announcement woke me from my slumber. I looked down at my phone, surprised I had been able to sleep the entire time. I made sure I had everything I needed. Then it hit me.

'Oh my god, I'm actually about to meet them. What is my life? What if I make a fool of myself? No, wait, its me. I WILL make a fool of myself.' I felt my anxiety rise. I pushed myself up against the seat as hard as I could and tried to steady my breathing.

It took a little while but I relaxed into the chair, finally calming down. 'It's okay you'll be fine.' I told myself as the plane started descending.

After what happened last year, I developed some disorders. The worst one of all was anxiety.

The plane landed on the tarmac smoothly and I exited the plane with my bag. I felt the warm air almost immediately. I walked out of the terminal totally lost, looking over people's heads trying to find a twin. The world around me slowed when I made eye contact with a familiar face. I saw his lips stretch into a smile. A smile I was so used to seeing through a screen.


The Dolan Twins WarehouseWhere stories live. Discover now