⚽️Chapter 35⚽️

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{Kiera POV}

I don't want to tell my dad what I found, but what if he gets hurt because of it? Then it would most certainly be my fault and I'd never be able to live with myself. 

I need to stop thinking.

Oh yeah? Well how about we think about Asher, sound good?


Great, let's think about how you're not good enough for him.

I have a boyfriend now. I'm happy.

HAH! You should be a comedian, really. 

Shut up.

Still cracking jokes? Give me another one.

Your life.

You just insulted yourself, congratulations.


"Kiera! Come back to earth please!" my substitute teacher, Mrs. Baland says. She's annoying, and I don't think she likes me. 

I zone back in, silencing the thoughts.

Still here.

At least I tried.

I look at Cameron for help, and he looks worried. His eyebrows are creasing and he's doing that thing with his leg when he's nervous. He taps the ground a couple times and then notices me for the first time since I "came back to earth". Looks like I wasn't the only person in space. He gives me a reassuring smile, but it's still laced with worry. He's not gonna be any help. I look at Dustin, and he crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue. Classic goofball. 

I take a deep breath and try to pay attention, but it's so hard. 


{Asher POV}

"And that's how we'll get out." Scarlett says, putting the cap back on the marker she's holding.

We've just created this elaborate plan, when I was literally thinking of just sneaking out at midnight in a black hoodie. Whatever, let's make it complicated. 

"I like it!" Chase says excitedly. He claps his hands and I immediately think of a toddler. As much as he annoys me sometimes, this makes me smile. I don't know why. 

"Cool. You in?" Scarlett says, looking at me. Her eyes say, if you don't do this, you're a wimp.

Well, I'm not a wimp.

"Yea. I'm in."

"Great, we leave tonight." 

Woah woah, tonight?

She seems to have read my thoughts and says, "Tomorrow is Saturday, they'll expect us to sleep in like normal teenagers." 

"Poop." Chase says softly. 

"Do you need to use the bathroom?" I say, jokingly. 

"No... They have my medicine... I can't go." He rubs his arm and looks at the floor.

My heart drops. "Can't we just...get it?" I say, with a little less hope in my voice than I wanted. 

"No, that's not gonna work." Scarlett says with a sigh. 

"Why?!" I practically hiss.

Scarlett lets out a huff of frustration, "Nobody knows where it is, we'll never find it before tomorrow." 

"Can't we just go next week?" I say, getting angry. Not at Scarlett, just the world. Am I taking it out on her though?

"No." She says with a sigh. "Tomorrow they're on low staff so it'll take them hours to notice we're gone. Next week is too risky, you won't get out of here." 

After another 10 minutes of me thinking of different solutions, Scarlett shooting it down, me trying again, etc. we decide that it's just best if Chase and Scarlett stay here. Plus, they can cover for me. 


We've been stealing food from the kitchen and doing laundry for the past two hours. It's 10 p.m. and I've got a big backpack of food, a warm blanket, water, and we even managed to steal a brand-new phone from a, get this, secret closet of phones. Weird right? Chase found it when he was looking for flashlights. I mean, it's just a trackphone but it's better than nothing. And there's only a complimentary five minutes so I can only use it for an emergency.

The most recent round of guards have just passed my door, I watch their flashlights shine under the door and up my wall. I'm pretending to sleep while Chase goes totally overboard and starts snoring as loud as he possibly can. They buy it though. 

At exactly 10:45 p.m. I sneak out and quietly tip-toe down the stairs. We decided that I should sneak around in my socks and just carry my shoes until I get outside. The plan is to find Mr. Liam's car and hold on from underneath so I can get through the gates. It sounds totally hardcore and I'm definitely pumped, but I don't even know how I'll hold on. It's a good 200 feet to the gate and I don't know what I'll hold on to. The pipes? If- no when, I get past that stage, I'll go to the bus stop and ride to the airport. 

Chase was on the phone for a really long time, trying to get me a ticket with only 50 bucks. He did the trick though, and I get to ride in a secret room. The nice lady said it won't be comfortable, but it'll work. She even said I can go without an I.D. so I can't be traced. I'll be wearing concealing clothes so the security cameras won't pick it up. 

Once I get to Ohio's airport, I'll find Kiera right away. Then we'll go to the police station in a different city and report the sheriff of her town and Mr. Wesley. Then, the police there will go to the Foster Home and get the security footage of Mr. Wesley hitting me and shipping me to Florida for no reason. 

Hopefully Kiera forgives me, or else this plan will be all for nothing.



Guys, I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I've felt so bad for not updating, and every time someone commented "Please update!" my heart hurt a little more. Thank you to those that have stayed! I am truly grateful. 

Please forgive me...!!!!! :(

For those of you that read this chapter, tell me what you think! Do you guys think Asher will get to Kiera? And will she actually forgive him? I don't think I would.... how about you guys? Team Asher or Team Cameron? I can't tell you my favorite because it would give away the ending, wouldn't it? ;) Also, did you guys like the song? 


-KD Montague

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