-The Surge-

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Kai's P.O.V:

The ultimate battle. The battle that would end all battles. It feels like ages ago. After the Golden Ninja defeated the Overlord, much of Ninjago City was in ruin. It was a time to reflect on our past, and build for the future.

Ninjago City soon became New Ninjago City and it became the center of great technological advancements. But without an enemy to fight, the age of the Ninja came to an end.

"Come quick!" A kid suddenly burst through the door, interrupting my class." Mister Zane's on the fritz!"

Oh no, not again, I thought to myself. For the past two months, the guys and I had worked as teachers at Sensei Wu's new academy which had replaced Darkly's School for Bad Boys. To be honest, the job was tougher than it seemed.

I quickly followed my students into the nearest classroom and was met by a, unfortunately, familiar sight.

"What's going on here?" Cole asked as he also entered the classroom. I presume that loud chatter and giggles also interrupted his class.

"Brad got an ultra remote from New Ninjago City and its controlling Mister Zane!" Sally, a red haired student giggled as she watched Zane dance on the teachers table.

"Up. No, down-" Zane stuttered as he tried to keep his balance. "Whoa!"

Cole grabbed the remote from Brad's hand in an attempt to help our friend. "How do you turn this thing off?!"

He desperately tried to turn the remote off, but didn't succeed until he smashed it against a table.

"Aw, Mister Cole's the worst!" Brad complained.

"I heard that!" Cole's voice was drowned out by the bell and the sudden stream of students, desperate for rest air. He sat down with a big sigh and tiredly leaned himself against the teachers table. "Ah, recess. My favorite time."

When I arrived in the teachers office, I was immediately met by the sound of one of Jay's many complaints.

"Alright! Who took my pudding cup?" He asked as he closed the fridge. " My name was clearly written on it!"

Cole smirked as he threw a plastic cup in the trash bin. His face was clearly covered in pudding. "I didn't see 'Motor Mouth' written on it."

Jay looked as if he was about to explode. "I'm telling the headmaster!"

"Leave me out of it." Sensei's voice could be heard from the room adjacent to the office." I'm on break too."

I sighed and threw a dessert from my own back towards the Blue Ninja. "Relax, Jay. You can have mine."

Jay caught the pudding with a disappointed expression. "But this isn't cool..."

Zane, who sat beside him on a red bench, pushed a button on his arm and used his elemental powers to cool the dessert down.

Jay sent him a thankfully smile and immediately dug in. As he ate, he looked around with a sigh. "Is anyone else chapped that Lloyd gets to be the Golden Ninja and fly around accepting awards while we're stuck here being teachers with no powers? And Aia isn't here either! Ah. I miss our elemental weapons."

Cole glanced up from his newspaper. "Jay, you know why Aia isn't here right now. It's definitely not something to complain about."

I nodded. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

"I certainly hope so." Zane responded. "We need her on the team-"

Zane was interrupted when Nya entered the room and quickly shut the door behind her. "Why is that when I teach, I get the feeling that none of the boys are listening?"

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