Chapter 15

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A true alpha

The words rang in my head. I was an alpha siren and now a true alpha as a werewolf. I was carrying too much power in me even with only 2 out of 5. I couldn't even imagine carrying them I all 5.

I faced the opening of the cavern. It was Elijah.

"Oh my" He turned away in shock. "We told you to cover yourself up a minute ago"

I was only in my towel. But I don't think I could move. My mind is totally wrapped up in dangerous things I could do with activating my werewolf gene.

"Sorry" I muttered as I got up from my seat.
"Kathleen" Elijah says in a calming voice as he comes forward me, hesitatingly. "What happened earlier, forget about it"
"I could've hurt you" I was standing, my voice was raising. "I wouldn't forgive myself with that"
"You'll never hurt us, Kath. We know that" He frowns and for a moment, I believed him. I should believe in him, especially in me.
"Look" He snaps, before kneeling. "Why don't we get those custards you like before Jason helps you activate your shapeshifting gene"
I nod with excitement. "Sounds good. Thanks Elijah"


He didn't break his promise. The moment I wore the same yellow sando and jeans, we stepped out of the cavern and strolled to the campsite before getting some of my favorite deserts.

I waited for Elijah up the hill patiently. The fireplace was distinguished probably hours ago and the seating logs were empty. The sun was beating down on me uncomfortably. My mind still on the fact that I changed from a regular werewolf to a monster. I was twice as large as Robert, and he's an alpha.

"True Alpha" I muttered in disbelief, still in that zone.
Forcing myself not to think of the werewolf events made me more into it.

I faced the speaker. Black hair, broad shoulders and tanned skin with a flashy smile showed it was Robert.

He was another topic I didn't want to get into. Days ago he was terrified I would take his place as alpha in his pack, when I just really needed his help in training. Now I don't know what to expect.

"Hey" was all he said, taking his seat beside me.
"Hey" I said back, not facing him.
I know he wanted to talk to me with his unsteady breathing showed his nervousness.
"Do-" He stutters. "I... We.. uhm"
"Robert" I said in annoyance. "I don't understand what's going on"
"I don't either" He mumbles honestly, his cheeks red from embarrassment.
"Are you-" I furrowed my brows.
"I'm just the alpha" He explains. "In Werewolf world, being an alpha is by power. Being a true alpha is by spirit. You see, I was assigned as an alpha by the elders. With this-"

His explanation was cut off by his fingers. It was a slashing sound made me jump.
His fingernails became twice as long, sharp as a knife than his regular fingernails as if it was showing their darker side.  It had smears of dirt and dried blood all over them,.

"I used them to take the elder alpha's power" he explains. His face showed that he was in no position to be proud of doing such a thing. "Making me the alpha"

I said nothing after his story-slash-explanation of what alphas are and how they are made etcetera.

"But you" He faced me, he showed that he was totally surprised, in a good way. "You had the power planted in you, it's just in you"

"Aren't you upset I am?" I blurted as he frowns.
"Why would I be upset? You're the true alpha. You have the spirit. The last time I met a true alpha was my uncle Anakin, which turned out to be a psychopath-"
"I know. I know" I cut him off before he finishes his uncle's story. "But I could take your pack remember?"
"You wouldn't" He insists. "You're my friend"

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