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Lauren's POV

"If Chuck E' Cheese was a person i'd totally dump you for it" said lauren with a fully stuffed mouth

"You'd dump anything for a full stomach babe" I replied with an amused smile at how adorably involved in the food she looked

" Mom and dad want to see you Sam" Max suddenly blurted out of nowhere

" I want nothing to do with them Max and you know that" Replied Sam, obviously taken back by the statement

" You know how pissed off at them I am for what they did sam, but we both know that they really do love you. They completely broke down when they found out what happened to you and that you were at the hospital. They fucked up big time, but to them, you always will be their daughter. Im not pressuring you in any way to go and see them, but i just thought it would only be fair to communicate the message" Max said, but his opinion about the whole thing was obvious. He hated what happened to his family. He hated that his sister was partially taken away from him all of a sudden. And i can only imagine how heartbroken Carrie and Patrick must feel.

" I think you should go Sam. You know i hate their guts, but they did love you and it was obvious. Just have them see that you're okay. You know the only reason they stayed in California was to be as close to you as possible" I said taking Sam's hand into my, softly stroking the back of it

"Fine. ill go. But you have to know that this will be the very last time i come in any kind of contact with them" Sam said reluctantly

Max attacked her with a bone crushing hug before she could even finish her sentence

" I love you Sam" Max said

"I love you too, Sam" I heard. And it took me a second to realize that the words actually came out of my own mouth. Sam froze for a while, looking deep into my eyes with an expression i couldnt pinpoint

" Uhh... Did you just..?" Trailed off Sam

" yes. yes i did. I am in love with you, and i have been in love with you for a while. You're something i couldnt ever even dream of having. I love every single thing about you, and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me" i found myself saying with a soft voice

" I swore to myself i wouldn't ever give my heart to anyone after my first girlfriend, and when i met you i definitely freaked out internally because i found myself waiting to see you, to talk to you and i couldnt stop myself from trying to make you mine. I love you too lauren. I definitely do" Sam finished and i was worried everyone at the table could hear my heartbeat because of how loud it was beating.

Sam suddenly crashed her mouth onto mine and that right there was enough to make me the happiest person alive. She's all i want out of this world and i knew at that moment that i would do anything to get to keep her.

"Holy fucking crap this cant be happening" i heard Max mutter under his breath, making us break away from our kiss. He was staring with a horrified look at the door and once Sam and i followed his line of sight Sam's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets

" Holy fucking Crap Max this really cant be happening" She said with a tone mirroring Max's expression

" can someone tell us whats going on or.." Sofie trailed off

" Why the fuck is she with me in the same room right now? I left her all the way across the fucking country " Sam said with a now very angry tone

" Sam who is it?" I asked Sam but she just looked at me unable to speak

" Max who the fuck is it"? I tried asking max but he had the same speech problem and it was really starting to get onto my nerves

" Will someone please tell us who the fuck that is" i now said with a slightly raised angry tone

" Hello sam, havent seen you in a while" Said the chick they were staring at placing her hand onto sam's shoulder, making sam flinch

" Avery" Sam said with a distant tone, making my heart sink to my stomach


I know it took me years to write this chapter, but i am back to writing now. I have decided to end this story here and the sequel to "where did my twin go" will be up shortly

Thank you for sticking around and reading this story, i really hope you liked it. Stay tuned for the sequel

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