Ghost baby is your twin!

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Lauren' POV.

"what the hell is wrong!" i asked Sofie once the door was closed

" come on, you have to hear this" she said taking my hand and leading me to the living room where her parents were sitting on the couch. her dad had his head in his hands and her mom was smiling at us sadly

" guys what's wrong?" i said feeling uneasy.

" Nothing is wrong sofie is just being unreasonable" Dave said with an exhausted voice.

" How the hell am I being unreasonable! you're the one who's telling me that a girl who just moved here is my long lost twin or something!" Sofie said throwing her hands in the air in exasperation

" drop the attitude and try to listen to us! " Sarah said scolding Sofie

" i still don't understand what's going on" i said with a confused expression looking between all of them

" My mom and dad here think that Sam is my freaking twin, who they've never mentioned before might I add, because we have the same freaking birthmark" Sofie said looking at me

" hold up, what?!" i asked raising my eyebrows at her mom and dad

" it's not just the birthmark Sofie. She looks exactly like your mom did when she was her age, She has the same birthmark you do. The people who claim to be her parents were our neighbours who disappeared the same week we lost MacKenzie never to be seen around or heard of again till they apparently moved back thinking what they did would be long forgotten" Dave said trying to reason with his furious daughter

" Who the hell is MacKenzie?!" Sofie asked her parents

" MacKenzie was what we named Sam when she was born" Sarah clarified

" Hold on a second. Didn't Patrick and Carrie have a daughter a week before you have birth to the girls?" Dave asked Sarah with a questioning look on his face

" oh, yes they did, i remember we went to congratulate them on their new born child and I was very pregnant and was struggling to move." Sarah said with a look of concentration on her face.

" but Sam said that she didn't have any older siblings that time she had dinner here" i said remembering that night clearly, because Sarah and Dave were attacking the poor girl with questions

" So what happened to their daughter" Dave wondered out loud but receiving no answer from any of us

" Then it must all be a coincidence! it could be another Patrick and Carrie! not the one you were friends with, not the ones who you think kidnapped your never mentioned before daughter" Sofie said trying to get her point across

" Hold on Dave, wasn't their daughter named Samantha?!" Sarah said with a look of realization on her face

" oh god, yes! I think it was" Dave said his eyes getting wide

" So what happened to the real Samantha?! And why did they name MacKenzie after her?!" Sarah asked Dave getting a shrug and a deep sigh in return

" and we're back to this nonsense" i heard sofie say under her breath

" i dont even know why you're so pissed about this!" Sarah said looking at Sofie

" oh i dont know, Maybe because all of a sudden after 17 years you're telling me that I have a twin who is actually my friend and that she was kidnapped when she was 2 months old, but that could not be it, I don't know" Sofie said sarcasm leaking from every word. which made her mom roll her eyes softly and look the other way

" so if this is all true, what are you planing to do about it? " i asked Sarah and Dave

" we plan on getting her back" Dave said his eyes lighting up a little bit

" yeah well whoever tries and tells her that you somehow think that she's your kid and that her parents aren't really her parents and that she was taken away when she was younger is probably going to end up with a blackeye" Sofie said scoffing

" i dont care. I want my daughter back and I will do what ever it takes" Dave said looking into Sofie's eyes with determination

" Yeah good luck with that" Sofie said and without another word started headed up stairs to her room. I sighed and placed a hand on Sarah's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her

" don't worry, She'll come around" i said smiling down at sarah and Dave sadly

" So you believe us?!" Dave asked sitting up right

" i have no choice but to. I know you guys, and I know you wouldn't come up with something like this unless you were one hundred percent sure it was true. so I'm with you on this one. Although I just went out with Sam on a date and her possibly being my best friend's sister is not a situation I'd choose to be in. but whatever, I hope you do whatever you want to do and get her back" i said then excused myself saying that I was going to check on Sofie.

i went up to her room to find her on her bed tears streaming down her face silently. i rushed to her to her side and wrapped my arms around her in an attempt to comfort her

" why are you crying sofie?" i asked her softly rubbing her arms slowly

" you're kidding right? a twin? they're saying I have a twin? and Sam? seriously? they're being delusional" sofie said with a shake of her head

" i kind of believe them sofie" i said quietly

" are you fucking serious?!" she said pulling away from me and throwing her arms in the air in exasperation

" hey remember that one time when we were ten and we watched that horror movie what ever it's name was and thought the attic was haunted and decided to explore?" i asked her keeping my calm tone

" yes why does that have to do with anyth-"

" remember we went through that box that had a ton of pictures and saw one picture with two new born babies at a hospital?" i cut her off, she listened to me but kept quiet

" remember you kept saying the baby with brown eyes was you and that you didn't know who the other baby was and we got all excited because we thought it was a ghost that bombarded the picture or some stupid shit like that?" i asked. she still kept quiet

" i guess we understand who ghost baby is now" i said with a sigh

" This can't be happening!I still don't believe it's true but They want to get her back. they're going to involve us in a shit load of drama trying to do that" Sofie said rubbing the back of her neck. it was a nervous habit of hers

" tell me about it, I just went on my first date with the girl and I come back to this "i said chuckling a little

" oh yeah! you never told me how that went!" Sofie said re-taking her place on the bed and looking at me expectantly. i guess she was desperate for a change of subject

"let's just say that she kisses better than the best 10 kissers in the world combined." i said with a dreamy sigh

Sofie shifted so that she was laying on her stomach

" tell me more" she said with a smirk

and I did. I told her all about the date, from the moment Sam picked me up, up until she had the door, not so nicely, slammed in her face.

that managed to cheer her up a bit, but I still had the situation that happened earlier in my mind. since I was completely involved, not only because I technically lived with the Adams but also because I was planing to make Sam my girlfriend

oh man, I dont know when they are planning on telling Sam about any of this shit. but when ever they do, I'm sure shit would definitely go down.

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