Welcome to the family.

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Sam's POV

" i cant believe this is actually happening" Max said sadly from his place on my bed.

After Dad left i didn't even second glance at my mom and headed to my room to pack my stuff up. I don't even know where I'm going, but I don't care. I am not living another day under those nutheads' roof

" i know Max. neither can I" i sighed while throwing a couple of shirts into my suitcase carelessly

" but what are you going to do? where are you going to go?" Max asked looking at me which tears in his eyes

" i dont know buddy. I mean I'm going to be 18 in 4 months, I just have to figure something out until then, then I'll get my own place and move on with my life" i said with a sigh.

i haven't thought this through. I have no idea where I'm going to head once I'm out the front door. i can't just go to the Adams and expect them to take me in, and I kind of was grateful for that because I'm not sure I'm ready to live with a family i just met a while ago and treat them like parents.

" if dad says they're still going back to Washington I'm not going to go with them!" Max stated. i turned to look at him to see that he had this determined look on his face

" you're shitting me! Max they're your parents! just because they turned out to not be mine doesn't mean you get to disobey them. I don't want to cause problems between you guys" i said trying to seem stern

" i dont care Sam. I'm not leaving you here all alone. no matter what bullshit mom and dad did in the past, you will always be my sister. even if we're not biologically related. I love you." he paused and a tear fell from his eye

"you've always been my best friend and you've been there for me through a lot of shit. you mean the world to me and im not going to leave you here alone. we swore to be badass buddies forever remember?" he continued and I walked up to him and he wiped the tears away from his face.

I gave him a bone crushing hug and I felt him sobbing against me. i couldn't stop my own tears from falling and we just stayed there for a while.

I know how he feels, because I feel the exact same way. We grew up together. We went through everything together. when I was struggling to accept the fact that I'm gay and used to take it out on myself, he helped me feel better. when in middle school a guy hit him I went over and kneed the guy in his jewels till he apologized. we had the same group of friends, we did everything together. We pulled pranks together, we backed each other up in arguments and fights, I always had his back and he always had mine.

he's my partner in crime, my best friend, and im not willing to lose that even if he's not my biological brother

Lauren's POV

Sofie, Dave, Sarah and I were sitting around in the living room each of us lost in thought. Sam left about 2 hours ago and ever since then none of us moved. we didn't want to accept the fact that she's probably not ever coming back.

she probably thought we were all crazy and was on a plane right now heading to god knows where. I couldn't even imagine how Dave and Sarah were feeling right then. even sofie was being awfully quiet.

I don't get why I feel so.. lost. like a huge part of me went missing. Sam and I aren't even together. and I met her not too long ago, i didn't even get enough time to really like her this much. she was supposed to be just a crush. but I'm not sure that's all she is to me anymore.

and that fact scares me to no end. not only because the thought of having such a strong emotional connection with someone who I'm not even in a relationship scares me shitless, but also because there's a huge chance I won't even get to see her again.

the sound of the doorbell ringing made us all snap our heads upwards. we all looked at each other and a second later i bolted to the door.

i struggled for a second with it because of my shaking hands but when i finally managed to open it i found Sam standing there with tears streaming down her face.

i attacked her with a huge hug. I'm betting she couldn't even breathe because of how hard i was squeezing her, but I didn't care at all really.

" Oh my god honey, you're back" i heard Sarah say and to my dismay i had to pull away from Sam

" So what exactly happened with Carrie and Patrick?" Dave asked Sam once we were all seated in the living room after we gave Sam time to calm down and wash her face

" i told them that I found out then just left" Sam stated shortly staring at her hands that were in her lap

" Are they still leaving state?" Sofie asked

" i dont know. Max said he would call me and tell me what they're planning on doing once he finds out" Sam said now finally looking up at us.

I was sitting next to her on the couch so i took her hand in mine and squeezed it gently. she looked up at me with a small sad smile that broke my heart

" And what do you plan on doing?" I asked her softly, she lowered her gaze to the floor

" i dont know. I'll figure something out, a place to stay till I become 18 in a couple of months" She said in a small voice still not looking up at us

" You're joking right?" Dave said looking at Sam weirdly

" about what?" Sam asked looking up at Dave looking genuinely confused

" Honey if you decide to not stay with Patrick and Carrie you are staying nowhere but here" Sarah said smiling at Sam Softly, And Dave nodded furiously

" i dont really want to he a burden Mrs Adams" Sam said trailing awkwardly at the end of the sentence

" Please, I know this is all new to you but please don't call me Mrs Adams. I'm not asking you to call me mom or anything, not yet anyway, but at least just call me Sarah" Sarah said

" And honey, you will not be a burden. you have no idea how long we waited for this day. and like Sarah said. If you've decided to not live with Patrick and Carrie anymore, you're staying nowhere but here" Dave said gently earning a small smile from Sam in return

" Thank you guys" She said and I noticed her eyes moistening. i squeezed her hand again.

" when are you going to pack your stuff?" i asked her

" my bags are in the car" she told me smiling sheepishly. i stood up pulling her up with me and told sofie to come help us.

Once we got all her bags into the house, I sighed and looked at Sofie and Sam

" Welcome to the family" i yelled enthusiastically smiling at Sam and she chuckled while Sofie, Sarah and Dave laughed.

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