Shit just got real.

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Lauren's POV

"Sam, you're my sister" Sofie blurted out.

after about a minute of complete silence, Sam extended her hand feeling Sofie's forehead with a sympathetic smile on her face

" Sofie are you coming down with a fever?" She asked softly moving her hand back and forth from her forehead to her cheek. Sofie pulled away slightly and sighed deeply then slumped into the couch

" Sam, Honey, don't freak out" Sarah said cautiously, like she was afraid Sam would burst in any minute. but Sam just gave her a confused look and she smiled softly

" Why would I freak out. She's just probably going to need a couple days of rest and she's going to be perfectly fine. nothing to worry about" Sam said waving her hand dismissively while ruffling Sofie's hair with the other

" Sam, what sofie is saying is true. She's not sick" i said trying to maintain eye contact with her so that I don't come out hesitant.

" have you not heard her? she said I was her sister" Sam said chuckling softly while looking around the room at us like we were complete morons

" Yes, because you are her sister Sam" Dave spoke for the firsr time since Sam came and, like the rest of us, he was too shifting uncomfortably on his feet

" Have you all come down with the flu? is this contagious or something?" Sam said with a weirded out expression then trying to discreetly wipe her palms against her jeans

" Look we have proof" Sofie spoke again which surprised me. because ever since this whole 'Sam is your sister' thing she hasn't been the least bit enthusiastic about any of it. so It really surprised me that she was actually trying to help convince her when, just yesterday, she herself wasn't even convinced

" Look guys, I really have to leave. my mom would kill me if she came home and I wasn't done packing. i just came to say goodbye. it was really nice getting to know you guys, and I hope you feel better from whatever illness you're coming down with soon, okay bye" Sam Said smiling kindly at all of us and turned around and started heading for the door.

we just stood there speechless. she thinks we're hallucinating and there's nothing we could change about that. But we all knew damn well that if she walked out of that door that moment, we would never be able to get a hold of her again. and that would be like twice the pain for Dave and Sarah. because losing your 2 month old daughter is something, and getting a chance to have her back and blowing it after seeing how she's grown into such a beautiful young woman is a completely different story

" You have a stork bite birthmark on the side of your stomach, you have a tiny pinkish mole on your left inner thigh, you have another mole on the inner side of your small toe on your right foot, And you have one on the heel of your left foot. " Sarah said all in one breath with her eyes closed causing Sam to stop dead in her tracks.

she slowly turned around and Sofie and I stared at Sarah in amazement. how could she remember any of that after 17 years! its been 17 freaking years and she still remembers such minor details about Sam's body.

Sam Just stood there staring at Sarah wide eyed while Sarah finally had the courage to slowly open her eyes.

" we are not lying to you Sam. we would never do something like that. We know for certain that you are our daughter. The daughter who we hadn't had one peaceful night ever since we lost. we weren't planning on telling you anything now but apparently Carrie and Patrick are planning on taking you and running away again. just like they did 17 years ago." Dave said rubbing his sleepy looking eyes

" you have nothing to prove any of this. Just because you know the places of a few things on my body doesn't make me your kid" Sam said. But she didn't actually look like she was accusing them of anything. her face seemed genuinely confused, like she was thinking hard about something or trying to remember something. Sarah took a deep breath and got closer to Sam, who didn't move and inch, and placed a hand on her shoulder soothingly

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