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"Whoa, who's the person on the bike?" Giselle wondered out loud, smirking at the thought of making a new 'friend'.

"Already looking for your prey?" Chase chuckled, continuing to effortlessly throw and catch the football with Ian. 

Ian smirked before easily catching the football. Quickly placing it under his arm, he walked back towards his girlfriend and wrapped an arm around her waist, softly pecking her neck. She reacted by giggling, and slightly blushing.

"Do I make you nervous?" Ian asked, lifting her chin up to look into her eyes.

"No. You just make me blush easily. There is a difference!" she explained stubbornly as she lifted her head higher, smiling with confidence.

"Bummer," he mocked as he started leaning forward to give her a kiss only to have his head shoved to the side by Giselle. Ignoring Ian's reaction Giselle simply concentrated on the new girl making sure her eyes were working right.

"The person on the bike is a chick.....with purple hair," Giselle teased humorously, while glancing at a girl wearing all black. 

Rolling his eyes, Ian turned around to see what his girlfriend was fussing about, which was the exact moment Ariana turned around. Hot, was the first thing that popped into his head. Sure, the purple hair is a little out of place..but other than that, she's pretty good looking.

Her skin had a nice milky tone, which made her pink lips pop. But the most intriguing thing about her, were her eyes. Purple, matching her hair and bike.

Giselle noticed Ian was basically drooling over the new girl, so she roughly turn his head towards her and smashed her lips onto his.  Ian at first, was a little shocked by the gesture and was ready to turn his head back. Soon enough he gave up, hypnotized into the kiss and hungrily started kissing Giselle back.

It didn't take an idiot though to know why Giselle suddenly had her attention on him again. She saw him checking out the new girl, he'd have done the same thing. But Giselle has always been the jealous type.

No matter how much he gazed into her eyes. No matter how much emotion he put into the kisses he gave her. Nothing ever seemed to stop Giselle from being jealous. No amount of "I love you's" or respecting her would ever change that.

Arianna oblivious and unaware of the crowds near trees, parking lots, or in little corners basically staring her down, making their assumptions. But she wouldn't even care if she was aware, she stopped caring about what people thought the day people most important to her started leaving, giving up, or simply not giving two fucks about her in the first place.

Putting in her ear buds and shoving her hands into her pockets, she briskly walked to the school doors with her book bag and her helmet.  As soon as she walked in, this time she definitely felt the hundreds of eyes glued onto her this time.

She didn't like being watched, but being the new girl didn't exactly help, not to mention the purple hair. 

"Screw them. They can stare all they want, I don't care. They act like they've never seen a girl before."

She thought to herself. She refused to change an important aspect of her personality, just because people would stare. Even if she did feel like she was being raped by a thousand eyes.

Leaning on the counter, she waited a couple of minutes for the secretary to get off the phone so she could get the information she needed, including her schedule, locker number, a lock, and last the combo number. 

"Good Morning, you must be the new student everyone has been expecting," the middle-aged woman greeted with a warm smile. She looked no older than 30.

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