If You Spill, I'll Kill

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Of course something came up when Ian tried coming over to finish the last bit of the project the next night. But, Ian isn't one to take that type of crap. He swore if he saw Trey there he'd beat him to a pulp and kill Ariana.

He stormed up the steps and started banging on the door like a mad man.

"Ariana Valentine! I refuse to put this project on hold for another fucking minute! Open this fucking door!" Ian shouted as he continued banging on the door.

In fact he was banging so much that Ariana could have sworn she heard a crack and she was forced to open the door, Heather and Ariana had enough problems with the landlord.

"What!" Ariana shouted.

She looked a mess. Tired eyes, sweats, she was sweating in her sweats.

"The project that's what!" Ian shouted barging into her house.

"Does it look like I'm fit to work on that stupid project!" Ariana shouted.

"You sure as hell did when you were sucking off Trey's face this afternoon!" Ian shouted as he started slamming the supplies on the coffee table making Ariana cringe at the sound.

"Can you please stop slamming shit everywhere!" Ariana hissed.

"Sure princess," Ian smiled sarcastically.

"Can we please do this tomorrow. I friggin promise but please leave I am not feeling well," Ariana groaned.

"I've been worse," Ian muttered.

"I'M NOT YOU!" Ariana shouted.

"That's for damn certain," Ian snapped.

"Ian! GET OUT!" Ariana shouted her blood boiling.

"Ariana. NO! We are finishing this piece of crap TONIGHT!" he shouted.

"I hate you!" Ariana shouted as she started punching him and scratching him with all her might but they were nothing for him.

"Awww...you're so cute when you're mad," Ian pouted his lip.

Ariana slapped him on the lip, slightly scratching him making his lip bleed.

"You bitch!" he shouted as he shoved Ariana off him, making her fall roughly onto the couch.

"You uncaring bastard!" Ariana spat, her eyes blacker that the night.

"And you are just as bad," Ian growled.

"You-," Ariana didn't get the chance to finish until she felt the sharpest pain she'd ever felt in her life, it was so bad she couldn't even pinpoint where the pain was coming from.

"Ana?" Ian asked worriedly.

"How many times do i have to tell you I hate being called ANA!" she shreeched out her own name as she fell to the ground already knowing she about to shift and there was no way to stop it.

"You paler thank usual do you need me to call for help?" Ian asked already running to the phone feeling helpless.

"No! That's the last thing you should do!" she croaked out as she started clawing at the floor trying to find some way to ease this bone crushing pain.

"You look like you're dying!" Ian shouted.

"You had to get me angry!" Ariana mumbled as she turned on her back and started wailing and shouting in pain, her breathing starting to quicken.

"I don't give a fuck what you say I'm calling an ambulance," Ian mumbled.

"I said NO!!" she roared out as her human bones were noe either starting to shrink or grow it didn't matter all Ariana knew was that it hurt.

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