The Connection

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"I enjoyed myself! It felt nice being able to be in a pack house again," Ariana smiled happily.

"I had fun too for my first experience," Ian shrugged.

"Who would have guessed your parents were Alphas," Ariana chuckled.

"Right! They are way too nice," Ian mumbled.

"They shut you up when they were all boss and stuff," Ariana giggled as Ian stopped in front of her building.

"You're not gonna walk me up?" Ariana pouted.

"Nope I'm going to be super romantic and carry you up to your apartment," Ian smirked evily.

"Wait what?" Ariana asked.

Next thing she knew she was flung over Ian's shoulder having all the blood in her body rush to her head.

"Ian! I feel the blood just leaving my lower half!" Ariana screeched as she was effortlessly carried up the steps and gently put down.

"Oh that is just child's play," Ian said rolling his eyes as he lent against the wall.

"Can you sleep with me again tonight?" Ariana asked hope filling her eyes.

"I can try but you'd have a naked dude by your side," Ian smirked raising an eyebrow suggestively.

 "You'd have to save my life the day you get into my pants," Ariana snorted.

"So I gotta do it again?" Ian whined.

"I guess so airhead," Ariana smiled and then gently grabbed hold of Ian and kissed him before walking into her apartment.

Before she could fully close the door though he quickly used his foot to block it and lent again the wall.

"All I get is a peck?" Ian asked pouting.

Rolling her eyes Ariana opened the door again tugging onto the back of Ian's head. Not being able to reach him she had to slightly tip toe and crashed her lips onto his. Their tongues doing the tango, as there bodies grind against each other exchanging intensive body heat.

Ian roughly grabbed hold of Ariana's waist allowing there bodies to get impossibly even more closer. Just as Ariana was second guessing her condition of how to get into her pants Heather turn into the world's best sister by saying

"Hey! Stop swapping spit and get in here!" Heather shouted.

Just the sound of Heather voice already had Ariana turning red, shoving Ian out of the way slamming the door shut and quickly spinning around to face a silly looking Heather.

"A litle light headed?" Heather teased.

"I'm fine," Ariana rushed as she started heading to her room.

"Need some ice for those swollen lips?" she called.

Embaressed Ariana gasped and glared at her sister as she quickly stomped away.

Ian got home in a breeze and quickly tore off his clothes and rushed into the bathroom. As soon he got out he jumped into his bed and got comfortable.

When he realized he wasn't falling asleep his min wandered for a bit. He couldn't help but think about all that has happened since Ariana has gotten into his life. Everything seems so...surreal. He still couldn't believe he was a werewolf. Plus he realized how much he cared and loved Ariana, he knew he'd never be able to let her go.

He hope with all that was within him that she'd be his mate and if she wasn't he'd be crushed no matter what anybody said about the mating system.


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