My Head Hurts...

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 "Tell me about him!" Ariana demanded as she started banging against the kitchen counters.

"Ari stop banging!" Heather playfully glared at Ariana as she continued to put away the boat load of food she bought.

"Well at first he was a complete smart ass and a jerk," Heather started.

"Reminds you of someone?" Ariana asked.

"Shut up," Heather hissed as she fought off a smirk that was dying to come out.

"Continue! Gosh you are a horrible story teller," Ariana mumbled.

"You keep interrupting me!"

"CONTINUE!" Ariana shouted.

"Shut up! Anywho. He's Australian and he has the most adorable accent in the world," Heather smiled goofily just thinking about it.

"He's an Aussie?" Ariana asked excitedly as she poured a cup of orange juice.

"Yep!" Heather smiled confidently.

"Lucky!" Ariana whined as she crossed her arms before pouting childishly.

"Your face is going to freeze like that," Heather said as she gave Ariana a knowing look.

"Ugh! You're mean," Ariana huffed under her breath.

"Whatever," Heather shrugged.

After sparing a little bit more details about Drew she decided that it was time for Ari to go to bed. Though Ariana did put up a fight, Heather promised that she would tell more about him tomorrow.


"Scale of 1 to 10?" Ariana asked.

"Ha! A THOUSAND!" she shouted kicking her legs up in the air.

"Well look at you getting an Aussie gorgeous mate," Ariana chuckled as she pulled pull out some bagels.

"Yep! I'm going to see him tonight. He's taking me to the movies," Heather blushed slightly as she skipped off of her chair and grabbed her bag as she started heading towards the door.

"Do not be late for school! See you later," she called as the door went shut.

Taking a deep breath she quickly prepared her cream cheese sandwich and decided to walk to school today.

She wrapped her bagel in a napkin, grabbed her bag, and rushed out of the door. She put her ear buds in her ear as usual and took a huge hunk out of her bagel.

She finally got to school and was immediately greeted by her group of friends.

"Oh my goodness did you hear? Ian and Giselle broke up!" Alix shrieked putting her arm around Ariana.

"Old news. I've been knew that since like I don't know...a week ago," Ariana shrugged.

"And you're telling us now?" Violet asked.

"I didn't think it was important. People break up all the time," Ariana shrugged.

"It is, because now that everyone knows, it means half of the girl student body are going to be half naked," Christine said.

"Hey! That is not a bad thing!" Ethan smirked hi-fiving Chase.

"Ethan that's disgusting!" Alix said in disgust as she smacked her brother upside the head.

"That was not necessary!" Ethan whined as he rubbed the part of his head that Alix smacked.

Rolling her eyes at her friends behavior Ariana saw Trey walking up towards her. She smiled to let him know that she sees him.

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