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When we arrive, I'm annoyed when I'm brought into a room with my brother, who's been cuffed to the chair he's on.

"I thought this was serious." I sigh, just about to leave when O'Malley stops me.

"You haven't been paying attention, he's been attacked, the timing is a little too precise to be just a coincidence." He tells me.

"Jake always gets into fights." I say loud enough for him to hear.

"This is the first time it's been as a message to you, Drew." Jake replies. "Do you wanna risk missing crucial evidence?"

"Shut your mouth! I don't have the time to be playing games with you!" I snarl at him

"You never were mum's favourite." He smirks proudly, knowing he's provoked me.

"Shut up! At least I don't have to live behind bars." I hiss back.

"You know, I was really looking forwards to meeting your partner's younger brother. I'm gonna miss those chess matches I used to have with Ralph." He adds, knowing that bringing up Ralph will hurt me.

"If you say one more word about Ralph, I'll see to it that you're put in solitary for 3 whole months." I warn, not at all having the patience to put up with his bullshit.

He seems actually concerned by this. "Get rid of your human shield. We need to talk in private so neither of us have anything to prove." He decides.

I look at his prison guard, silently requesting for him to leave. I know that they still record our conversations. I give O'Malley confirmation that I'll be okay if he leaves too.

"How are you brother?" He asks when we're alone.

"What do you think?" I mutter.

He observes me closely before replying in one of the languages we both created when we were younger. "You seem vulnerable."

I'm a little surprised at the fact that he's keeping this detail from the prison security. "Do you have any information to help me level the plain?" I ask, also speaking in our language.

"We're going to have to change quickly to avoid having them crack our code." He replies calmly. "Unfortunately not, brother. You've angered our uncle."

"Hank?" I check.

He shakes his head. From his grave expression, I understand exactly what he's talking about.

"You knew before you were arrested, didn't you?" I ask.

"It's why I was welcomed with open arms. I made amends for father's actions. It's because of what I did that you weren't executed the second you were found by them." He replies.

"Is this the message?" I reiterate.

"The message is that Uncle's furious about what happened to his son and is declaring war on both the shooter cannibal team and us." He tells me plainly.

We really were weird children. I should've known we weren't biologically related to the Woolnough's since we're a whole lot smarter than them.

"That doesn't directly affect me or my means of investigating this." I mutter, changing to a different language, knowing that the code breakers have no chance of keeping up.

He frowns. "It does because he's no longer going to be acting honourably towards you, he believed you've played him. You violated the code he lives by so he no longer needs to keep it up to get revenge." He explains.

"I've got bigger problems than him at the moment. He can go ahead and throw everything he can at me but he's not a threat." I growl.

"The threat of the shooter and the cannibal must be overwhelming as it is." He deduces. "I know you're keeping it from the Woolnough's because it really scares you. I am doing all I can to keep an ear out for you in here. I think that the shooter is digging up what happened in Hill Fort because he played some part in it and is willing to play you just like he played our biological father." He fidgets in his chair to get more comfortable. "As your brother, the best thing I could suggest is that you quit your job. This shooter has been planning this for too long for you to resurface alive and stable. You're already developing symptoms of mental illness as it is. The fact that this interaction we're having has shown that to me must convince you that I'm right, Drew." He explains.

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