Chapter III; Mark of Mastery

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Y liked to think she was great at arriving just in the nick of time. After all, she had never been late for training once, even if Ven had to shake her awake a few minutes before training started. She had always managed by some miracle to make it to training on time. Barely on time, but still on time. She was hoping her luck would continue to hold out. But of course, on what could be considered the most important day in years, she finally ran out of luck.

Y stopped in front of the doors to the hall the test was being held in. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her breathing. She had run most of the way to the hall from her room. The encounter with the strange masked boy had shaken her. So she took a short time to brush off the encounter before rushing to the hall.

Y brushed her hair back behind her ear and tugged on her dress to straighten it out. The dress was rather simple. It was predominately silver with gold from just under her chest to the bottom, forming something like an apron pattern. The sides of the dress were a little longer than the rest and the entire thing was uneven. Underneath the dress, she wore black shorts. She had black knee-high socks and wore silver boots. An x crossed her body, with a heart in the center just over where her heart would be. It was the same heart everyone from this world wore. On either shoulder, she had pieces of armor that connected to silver sleeves.

Deciding she didn't look as if she had just woken up Y approached the door and opened it just a slight bit to peek inside. She cursed under her breath when she heard Master Eraqus speaking. Without much thought, she slipped in and found her place off to the side beside Ven.

"What happened to just a minute?" Ven asked under his breath. Y shot him a glare, before looking around the room. Her eyes landed on an old man sitting in one of the thrones at the front of the room.

"Lost track of time, trying to finish a report." Y replied, barely above a whisper. "What did I miss?" She asked. It didn't seem to be much, as Master Eraqus just seemed to be starting his speech.

"Not much. It just started when you walked in." Ven replied back. Y nodded turning her attention back to the Master. Across the room, she took note of another boy standing, however, she didn't pay him much mind.

"But I'm sure our guest, Master Xehanort, did not come to see our youngest prospects in years fall short of the mark. I trust you are ready." Master Eraqus said. Y glanced back to the old bald man, who she assumed was Master Xehanort. Something about him made Y shiver.

"Yes." Terra and Aqua said in unison.

"Then let the examination begin," Eraqus said. He raised his own keyblade and summoned five balls of light. They seemed stable and well controlled. How these orbs would be of any help in the test Y wasn't sure. But she wasn't inclined to question the Master.

Aqua and Terra summoned their keyblades, preparing themselves for what seemed like what would be simple. Before they could begin, however, there was a bit of darkness around each orb. The orbs then began to move erratically, like they suddenly had minds of their own. Several surprised gasps sounded.

Not wasting a second Aqua and Terra moved to take out the orbs. As they attacked one of the orbs moved, heading directly towards Ven and Y.

"Ven! Y!" Terra and Aqua said unison. Before the orb reached the two observers they drew their keyblades. Ven's was dark in color and looked like it was meant to be held backward. Which was fortunate as Ven did hold his key backward. Y's key was a light goldish yellow. The guard was rectangular but curved at the top, the rod looked like a sword and had small bits sticking out near the guard. At the tip of the blade, there was a crescent shape that had three blades coming off of it making the teeth look something like a sun. The charm was a star.

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