Chapter XVIII; A True Hero

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Y didn't know much about the world they landed in next. Which wasn't unusual, as most worlds were completely different and they had no way to have gained previous knowledge. But this world seemed even more different than normal. It was a city made up of white buildings. The few people around were wearing sheets. The center of the city seemed to be an arena of some kind.

Y and Ven wandered the city aimlessly. They hadn't seen any Unversed, which wasn't strange. Unversed would remain hidden until forced to reveal themselves often times. Unfortunately, it made things very boring for Y and Ven. They couldn't do anything until they found the Unversed.

Very suddenly a small fat man with the lower half of a goat ran past Ven and Y. The goat man paused by a wall, panting heavily. Ven looked at Y curiously. She only shrugged and led the way closer to the goat man.

"Oy, the kid's relentless." The goat man muttered to himself as Y and Ven drew even closer. Ven looked at Y once again. Y shrugged and motioned toward the goat man in offering.

"Hey, whatcha doin' there?" Ven asked. The little goat man jumped up in surprise and fear, not even turning to look at who had spoken before he started yelling at Ven.

"I told ya, I'm booked solid. N-O spells forget it." He yelled.

"Uhh?" Ven said in confusion. He looked at Y once again. Y shrugged, looking at the goat man in question.

"Someone's jumpy." Y said in confusion. The goat man finally turned to look at them. Realization seemed to hit him suddenly, that these two were not the one he was running from. His expression quickly changed from one of shock to one of annoyance.

"Huh? And who in Halicarnassus are you? Can't you see I'm busy?" The goat man asked in annoyance. Y frowned and crossed her arms. She opened her mouth to speak but stopped when a scrawny boy with orange-ish hair came running up to the group.

"Hey, Phil! I'm all signed up! Phil!" He said, very loudly. The goat man who apparently went by Phil panicked as the boy called out to him.

"All right, Herc, I hear ya! Now would you keep it down already." Phil said, looking around in panic. Y glanced around herself. She saw a boy wearing armor with a silver helmet on looking around. The moment his bright blue eyes landed on Phil he smiled.

"Aha!" The boy said. He ran over to the group, making Phil sigh heavily. He glared over at the scrawny boy labeled as Herc.

"Beautiful... You happy now? You blew my cover!" Phil said in clear annoyance. The soldier stopped in front of Phil, looking excited. He seemed to contain a lot of energy that shone through his eyes with ease.

"Okay, fess up. I asked around, and everybody says you're the guy. The trainer of heroes!" The soldier boy said. Herc smiled in agreement, taking a slight step forward despite the glare he was receiving from Phil.

"True heroes!" He supplied proudly. Must have been bragging rights, having him as a mentor. Y wasn't sure, but she guessed that's what it was. She glanced at Ven to see him seriously considering what had been said. She realized why in a moment of thinking. He could teach true heroes.

"Really?" Y asked, turning back to Phil.

"You can teach that?" Ven asked. Excitement was barely hidden in his voice. Y supposed it would be cool. Being a hero. There weren't many women who fit the bill, so she might have to step up and fill the role with Aqua.

At the thought of Aqua, Y dropped her smile just a fraction. Aqua was probably still worrying about them. They had been kinda harsh the last time they had seen each other. Y wasn't allowed to think on it long. She was jolted out of her thoughts by the soldier boy speaking again.

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