Chapter XXVII; Navigate the Stars

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Y looked around following the two Lost Boys she was playing with. During her short stay she had found out the fox boys name was Slightly and the other was Cubby. She had meant to leave shortly after Ven had flown off. But it was so much fun getting to play games again. Not to mention the hoard of Unversed that still needed to be gotten rid of. As it was she was yet to leave the world.

"Over there!" Cubby yelled pointing towards a tepee. At the base of the tepee was a rolled up piece of paper. The group of three exchanged a look before they took off running each trying to reach the paper first.

"I'm gonna be the leader!" Slightly said. Y laughed in reply still trying to push her way ahead of the boys. She could have easily beaten them, but she did want to keep things almost fair.

"You wish!" Y said, a laugh bubbling up through her chest. She hadn't been given nearly enough opportunities to laugh during her journey. It felt amazing to be able to let go.

Before any of the three could reach the paper it was picked up by a familiar woman with blue hair. The three came to a stop not far from her. Y felt the color leave her face as Aqua looked at the paper and slowly looked at the group. Her blue eyes landed on Y with an unreadable look. Y swallowed nervously. The last she had seen Aqua they hadn't really parted on great terms. Y was supposed to have gone home with Ven. Neither of them had of course, but Aqua hadn't known that until now.

"Uh-oh." Y said as the Lost Boys let out a groan of disappointment.

"We were so close." Slightly said. Aqua turned her attention away from Y to the Lost Boys. She frowned looking at them.

"Too bad, men. Tough break." Y looked up as Peter flew down to meet them, Tinker Bell at his side.

"But Pan!" The Lost Boys complained in unison. Peter silenced them with only a glare as he crossed his arms.

"No buts. You know the rules. The first one to find and claim the treasure map gets to be the leader. And that's you." Peter explained. He turned to face Aqua who jumped a little. She looked at the map in her hand then back to Peter.

"Leader?" She asked in slight disbelief. It didn't surprise Y. Aqua had never been much for playing games. She would always be around to talk to, but if Y and Ven needed an extra person they'd have to find Terra. Aqua had always been the serious one.

"Of the expatition!" Slightly exclaimed.

"Uhh, we're goin' on a treasure hunt. And that's our map you got!" Cubby continued explaining for his friend. Aqua frowned yet again. Beside Peter Tink moved, flying to be directly in front of his face. Y heard the bells that were a give away that Tink was talking.

"Whaddaya mean? I never said girls can't be part of the gang. C'mon, Tink, the more the merrier! Anyway, you didn't throw a fit about Y." Peter objected to whatever it was Tink had said. Y chuckled a little. Tink was a jealous one.

"I'm sorry, but I have something else I need to take care of. Here, you keep it." Aqua said holding the map out to Peter. Y supposed that would mean she would have to follow Aqua. She probably shouldn't be wasting any more time.

"Too bad, but rules are rules." Peter said, refusing to take the map despite a very angry Tinker Bell beside him. "I guess we'll just have to call off the treasure hunt." Peter continued on.

"No!" Both Lost Boys objected. Y hung her head slightly and pouted.

"Awwww." She complained. Aqua looked at the group of three children. She sighed heavily before smiling and looking back to Peter.

"All right, you win. I'll join you for one 'expatition'." Aqua said. Y smiled brightly, practically jumping up into the air. Both Lost Boys followed Y's lead jumping themselves.

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