Chapter XI; Answers

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The world Master Yen Sid lived in was rather unimpressive. The entire world consisted of a patch of land, with a few bushes around the edges. There was a tower, that looked a little bent out of shape with more towers coming off it towards the top.

Before X and Terra could reach the tower a humanoid mouse ran out of the building holding a keyblade and something else the X couldn't identify. X blinked in surprise, just realizing. That was a rodent that was on two legs and walking like a human. Even more, he had a keyblade. Was just anyone capable of wielding those things? Why an oversized rat?

The mouse held up his hand that held the strange objected. X decided it was vaguely star-shaped, but he didn't know anything else. It could be anything.

"Alakazam!" The mouse said. Its voice was squeaky but obviously male. The object he was holding glowed brightly. Suddenly the mouse was flying into the sky in a zigzagging pattern, quickly becoming a white streak of light in the sky. X blinked in surprise once again.

"That was weird." X said. Terra glanced at him.

"Let's just go see Yen Sid." Terra said. X nodded in agreement. He hoped Yen Sid didn't turn out to be something as strange as the mouse they just saw.

They entered the tower and went up the winding stairs to the top of the tower. There were no turnoffs at any point on the stairs, making it clear they only had one way to go. As they entered the room at the top of the stairs Terra straightened up. X watched him but didn't move.

Inside the room standing at a window behind a desk was a tall man wearing a blue robe and a blue hat with stars and moons on it. He wasn't facing the two, so X couldn't get a read on him. But he looked like he might be smart. But that didn't mean he couldn't be tricked.

"Master Yen Sid." Terra said, catching the old man's attention. The old man turned to face him. He had a long grey beard and black eyes that alarmed X. "My name is Terra, and this is X." Terra said, not reacting to Yen Sid's appearance.

"Yes, Eraqus' pupil. I was expecting you, though the creature of darkness with you is a surprise." Yen Sid said. His eyes locked onto X in an accusing manner. X met his gaze calmly.

"I assure you, though a dark creature X is not evil." Terra said. X was surprised Terra was defending him. Yen Sid didn't seem convinced.

"Are you certain?" Yen Sid asked. X stepped forward calmly, knowing whatever Terra said it wouldn't be enough to convince the great Mage. X would have to act for himself.

"Please, Master," X began. "I swear I'm not like my lessers. I still hold some understanding of morality. I only want to help." He said. He kept eye contact the entire time, trying to pretend he was serious. Yen Sid didn't look fully convinced, but he dropped the subject.

"Very well. You are here because of the Unversed, correct?" Yen Sid asked, sitting down at the desk. X noticed a candle holder that looked suspiciously like a skull in a corner of the desk.

"Yes, Master Yen Sid. I thought it best to seek the counsel of one wiser than myself." Terra replied. Yen Sid narrowed his eyes at Terra's words.

"I am no longer a Master. I doffed that mantle." Yen Sid said. Terra looked confused by that. X himself did wonder why he gave up the title. That did point to him being a wise man. Him knowing he still knew very little despite all his knowledge.

"But sir, wasn't that your pupil we passed on the way in? He had a keyblade." Terra asked. Yen Sid nodded.

"You refer to Mickey." He agreed "He, too, sought guidance here. As a king, he is good and kind. But the weight of the crown has not cured him of impetuousness. He left with an object whose power he does not understand nor know how to control. Mickey imagines my Star Shard will be of help in his current quest. And, like you, he is eager to use his keyblade to set things right." Yen Sid explained. X decided the Star Shard must have been what the mouse had been holding. He also noticed Yen Sid didn't say anything about his pupil being a huge walking, talking, mouse.

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