Chapter XIX; Games of Darkness

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X was almost impressed with the next world he and Terra stopped in. It had architecture that X had never seen before, and it actually looked interesting. The buildings were all white and columns. X got a feeling the world was trapped in a time from long before other worlds. But it wasn't bad. In fact, if X had a heart, he might have called it beautiful.

X lost his focus when he saw a scrawny ginger boy fighting a group of Unversed. The boy was clearly strong, he was actually accomplishing something against the Unversed. But he didn't have a clue what he was doing. His fighting was sloppy and hardly worthy of being called fighting. It wasn't long until he was knocked down.

X gently nudged Terra and nodded towards the boy. Terra quickly stepped in when he saw the situation. X had expected as much. Terra was still clinging to his light after all. Light tended to make people play hero.

"Stay back." Terra ordered. The scrawny boy nodded and watched in awe as Terra took on the Unversed. X crouched beside the boy, looking him over for damage. He was a bit scratched up, but relatively unharmed. X must have underestimated his fighting ability. X murmured a healing spell, ridding the boy of his scratches.

As soon as the Unversed were gone Terra turned his attention back to X and the boy. Terra looked surprised to see X crouched beside the boy. He took a moment to look over the ginger, and looked even more surprised when he saw the injuries he once had were gone.

"You ok?" Terra asked the boy. He looked at Terra almost dazed.

"Huh? Yeah, thanks." He answered. He allowed Terra to help him up, casting a glance at X. X stood with them, watching in his usual silence. "Guess they were too much for me. I'm just gonna have to train harder. You're pretty tough-- you really handled those things. Are you here for the Games?" The boy asked. X tilted his head to the side in interest.

"What games?" Terra asked in confusion. The boy laughed as if that were a stupid question. X guessed these games were a pretty big deal in this world.

"The Games games. To see who's the strongest! One day I'm gonna win 'em all and become a true hero." The boy explained enthusiastically. X wasn't sure how winning any game would make someone a hero, but he had heard stranger things from other worlds.

"Herc, where are you? Front and center right now, or I'm tackin' on another 1,00 laps!" A voice yelled out. The boy turned toward it quickly. The voice appeared to belong to a satyr.

"Uh-oh. Gotta go. The Coliseum's just up ahead. I hope to get to see you fight there sometime!" He said before quickly running over to the small satyr. X turned his attention away from the boy back to Terra. The brunette was lost in thought.

"A competition." Terra said.

"It could be useful. Can see your true strength, and what not." X suggested with a shrug. Terra looked at X for a moment before nodding in agreement. He began walking the direction the boy had indicated. X followed shortly, looking over the town. He frowned suddenly getting a feeling. Y was in town.

X reached the Coliseum a moment after Terra. He had been looking around for his sister as they had walked through town. Luckily he hadn't seen her. He expected she would be alone at this point. Aqua had probably tried to force her to go home. But knowing Y she hadn't listened.

"This is it." Terra said calmly.

"How sad is this?" A voice asked.

"Huh?" Terra asked, turning to find the voice. X followed his gaze, quickly finding a man with blue skin wearing a black sheet as clothing. His head was literally on fire, the blue flames seeming to make up his hair.

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