Chapter XXXI; War of Hearts

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Aqua and Y landed in a desolate wasteland. As far as the eye could see keyblades were stabbed into the ground. A path was cleared between the keys, eventually making a crossroads. Y looked around in awe. Her chest felt tight as she slowly realized. All of these keys used to belong to someone. Someone who had died. A tear escaped her eyes and fell down her cheeks as her eyes landed on a pink key with a swirling rod crossed with a key that reminded Y of lightning.

Aqua summoned her keyblade. Y looked at her in surprise before following her lead. She felt a strange hum quake along the blade when she drew it. Perhaps the key knew this place. Perhaps the key was sad too.

"The four of us will always be one." Aqua said not looking at Y. Y nodded and looked ahead. She took a steadying breath before speaking.

"Friends, no family, until the end." Y said softly.

Aqua and Y began walking down the path toward the crossroads. Y soon saw another figure standing at the crossroads watching them approach. As they got closer Y realized it was Terra. He looked much older than the last time she had seen him. His blue eyes were filled with sadness and pain that Y had never thought he would have to see.

"I was told, the Master was struck down." Aqua said as they reached Terra. The sadness in his eyes only grew.

"Yes, that's right. I was stupid and helped Xehanort do it." Terra admitted with a strained voice. Aqua gasped in shock. Y could only try to remember how to breathe. "The Master, he tried to hurt Ven. I only fought because I wanted to protect him. But I was tricked. Xehanort set the whole thing up, all so he could awaken the darkness inside me. You were right, Aqua, and so was the Master. I did need to be watched. I went astray, but no more." Terra continued. Aqua looked down and shook her head sadly. Like Terra she suddenly seemed much older. This journey had changed them.

"What else is darkness but hate and rage? Xehanort is feeding the dark fires within you, making you fight. You'll go astray again. Tell me, how does that honor our Master's memory, Terra?" Aqua asked. Terra didn't reply. Y sighed and shook her head.

"Guys. It doesn't matter. Everyone has darkness, and we have a right to be angry. Xehanort might have started this. But it's up to us to finish it now. Darkness or not." Y said firmly. Terra looked away from her and took in a shocked breath. Y looked where he was looking. She wasn't surprised to see Ven slowly making his way toward them.

Ven stopped beside Terra looking down at the ground. He took a deep breath before sharing his news.

"Xehanort wants me and Vanitas to fight and make some kind 'X-blade'. But the Master said we can't let that happen, and he tried to destroy me for it." Ven explained. Y felt her heart clench at the name of the weapon. That couldn't be a good thing.

"X-blade?" Aqua asked in confusion.

"I still don't know exactly what it is. But it scares me to death. Even just the thought of it." Ven admitted. Y reached out and took his hand without a thought. Ven didn't return the pressure right away. He eventually did and Y felt herself release a breath she hadn't known she was holding. They had been together through so much. Training with Master Eraqus. Fighting Unversed in Radiant Gardens. Helping out in Olympus Coliseum. Chasing pirates in Never Land. Getting lost in the maze at Disney Town. Y felt her face heat up at the thought of that memory. It would be a shame for things to end here.

"Relax, Ven. We're here and we're gonna take care of you." Terra said calmly, bringing Y out of her thoughts.

"I may have to fight Vanitas after all. If I do, guys, I want you to-" Ven began. Terra cut him off before he could finish. Y was glad Terra did. She knew where that was going.

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