Chapter XIII; Reunion

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Y looked around the lanes between in wonder. She was still in awe of how beautiful they were. Colors all swirling together. It was like a sunset, with a few extra colors, all around them. There were dots of light as well, marking where the worlds were. Aqua was a little bit ahead of Y, keeping focused on the area. Aqua felt less at ease in this place where the darkness hung close.

Aqua looked over her shoulder, unsurprised to see Y so at ease. It was almost like Y couldn't even feel the darkness that dampened the air. She instead leaned against the fin on the back of her glider calmly, like it was nothing. As Aqua turned to look forward again, the sight of another glider caught the pair's attention.

"Terra?" Y asked, looking to Aqua for confirmation. Aqua nodded slowly, clearly thinking.

"Where's he going?" Aqua asked. Y almost answered, but quickly realized it was a rhetorical question. Or Aqua was talking to herself.

The two followed Terra landing in a bright square of a town. It was surprising to Y, this almost looked like her world. But it wasn't she decided after a quick look. The colors weren't quite right. More blues and whites in the brick than what she knew was in her home. There it was more warm yellows and shadowed greys.

The other give away was a duck that was way too humanoid for Y to ignore. He was shorter than Y quite significantly. He wore a blue coat and a darker blue hat with glasses resting on the edge of his beak. Aqua seemed to notice the duck and crossed the square over to him. Y followed though she wasn't sure of Aqua's intentions.

"Excuse us. We're terribly sorry to bother you sir." Aqua said, catching the duck's attention. He turned to face them.

"Ach, what a well-mannered lass ye are. I'd be pleased as punch to help ye if I can." The duck said, sounding rather happy.

"We're looking for a boy who's not from around here. Have you seen him?" Aqua asked. Y frowned. That was actually a pretty vague question. That could translate not only to Terra but to Ven as well. And X too, if he was around. The duck seemed to think on this for a moment before nodding.

"Hm, I think I know just how you're talking about. He scampered off toward yon castle in a right hurry." The duck said, pointing off towards a castle.

"Thank you so much." Aqua said. The duck nodded and walked away. Aqua looked towards the castle. "I hope Terra's still there." She said. Y nodded looking at her friend. Something was wrong with Aqua. She looked too worried. Something else was going on. Y didn't ask as they made their way to the castle. Aqua really didn't give her the chance to.

At the castle, they heard a scream that made them draw their keyblades. There was a little girl with red hair running from Unversed. Y couldn't figure out what they would want with such a small child.

"No! Run!' Aqua yelled. The girl tried to follow Aqua's direction but got trapped by a wall. The Unversed tried to attack her but luckily missed. The little girl ran away from the wall to Aqua and Y. She hid behind Y, grabbing onto the handle of her keyblade. Y knelt down and rested a hand on the girl's shoulder. She glanced around quickly looking for an escape route. Fighting with a child present wasn't advised.

"There's no way we can fight like this." Y objected. Aqua looked down at her and nodded. Just then an Unversed jumped forward to attack. Before it could however a humanoid mouse, much like the duck from earlier, jumped in and knocked it aside with a keyblade.

"Hurry! You got to get that girl someplace that's safe." The mouse said. Y wasn't going to argue and stood to take the girl away. Aqua wasn't as convinced.

"Who are you? Why do you have a keyblade?" Aqua asked.

"I'll tell ya later. Right now, we gotta stop these things!" The mouse said. Aqua nodded in agreement preparing to fight. Y took hold of the girl's hand and pulled her away. As she did such she heard the obvious sounds of Aqua and the mouse fighting. Y stopped at a small garden filled with flowers.

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