Chapter XXII; Certain Dark Things

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Terra looked around him in interest. It was a world like no other he had seen. Behind him a forest that almost looked golden stretched on for miles upon miles. Before him was a city all surrounding a huge castle. The buildings all were warm yellow or shadowed greys or some combination of the two. The castle towers were adorned with stained glass windows. The symbol in one looked like a black and red version of the one X had on the back of his hand.

"This place looks different. Almost like Radiant Gardens." Terra said. He looked down at the young Heartless with him. It was surprise to see X frowning as he looked over the city.

"Worlds like that are more closely based off the old world, before the keyblade war." X explained calmly. His eyes seemed to wander the city before them before turning back to the forest behind them. His frown seemed to deepen looking into the woods.

"How do you know that?" Terra asked curiously. X was silent for a moment considering his answer. He eventually sighed and looked back toward the city. It was a city he was very familiar with. It had been his home, until he had been chased out.

"This where me and Y come from." X said, he heard Terra gasp in surprise but he ignored it. "There was a lot of stories about the ancient war." He continued explaining. That was basic knowledge in the world. It was studied in schools and many other areas. Even those who didn't use keyblades knew the stories.

"Where you come from?" Terra asked in shock. He was looking around as much of the city as he could see. This was a world he had heard of from Y. One had wanted to see. "So does that mean they'd recognize you?" Terra asked.

"Yeah, if we go into town it's more than likely." X answered casually, his hands in his pockets. X remembered how many people in the town seemed to know him. He hated all the attention. But everyone was fascinated by him. They had gone on about how he was a genius, how strange it was he hadn't been chosen as a keyblade wielder. Especially since he had been part of a succession ceremony. But X had never held a keyblade aside from that. And he never intended to.

"Then I guess we'll stay out of town."Terra said looking back to X. X was surprised Terra realized it would be bad for him to be seen. There was the fact that he was technically supposed to be dead. And there was also the fact he was a Heartless. Residence of this world, the City of Fate, had a particular hatred for Heartless.

"No, you go check out the town. I'll stay out here." X insisted. There could be useful information in the city. Who knew what these people had seen recently. And maybe they could teach Terra a thing or two that he needed to know.

"Alright." Terra agreed. He set off into the town, looking around as he went. He was surprised there were no Unversed. But it also seemed like there were no people. The city almost seemed to be empty.

In what appeared to be the town square Terra stopped in shock. Aqua was looking around the city in wonder. She was clearly captivated by it. The yellow and grey contrasted greatly, like night and day. It made the city seem to be a place of twilight. But Terra suspected it wasn't what it seemed.

"Aqua." Terra said as he crossed the square to his blue haired friend. He did his best not to think of their last meeting. They hadn't parted on the best of terms. Aqua turned to face Terra. She didn't show any signs of acting on their last meeting. She only looked concerned. She glanced around quickly before looking back at Terra.

"Terra. Where's X?" She asked. She glanced around nervously once again. Terra realized she must have been looking for X. He couldn't imagine why she seemed nervous. X and Aqua had hardly been near each other. Unless maybe she felt the darkness X held as well.

"He's busy with something. Something he wanted to check out." Terra explained calmly. Aqua nodded slowly, almost unsure.

"Oh, I see." She said softly. Terra could guess she didn't believe that. When this was all over Terra was going to have to prove to his friends X could be trusted. Maybe find a way to return his heart. Anything to help his friend.

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