Chapter X; Changes In The Dark

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Y wasn't at all comfortable in the next world she and Aqua had found. They appeared in a mountain path that was barren of all life. Spires of rock rose up on either side of the path periodically. The path was inclining up towards a dark castle that added to the ominous setting. The sky was overcast with clouds.  Mountains surrounded the area behind them, with only one way through.

Y looked to Aqua, about to speak but stopped when she saw an orb of light exit the dark castle and fly past them. Y watched it in awe. It was almost like a mini sun that was just floating through the sky, radiating light off of it. It felt warm, but Y wasn't sure how she knew that. It never got close enough for her to feel.

"What's that?" Aqua asked, her breath catching a little. Y smiled and shrugged, watching the light fly through the mountains to a place she couldn't see.

"I don't know." She whispered in awe. Aqua looked to her then back up to the castle.

"I think we had better go take a look inside," Aqua said. Y looked up at the castle with a frown. She wasn't eager to go into the very possibly creepy castle, but she wasn't seeing much choice. There had to be some explanation for the little ball of light. And the answer was probably in the castle.

Y let out a sigh before nodding in agreement.

Inside the castle, Aqua and Y wandered the halls. They had no clue where anything was. Or anyone. Despite occasional Unversed attacks, there was no one in the castle. It unnerved Y, making the castle seem creepier to her than it already was. The empty halls echoed with their footsteps like they were being followed. 

"There's no way Terra would hurt somebody like that!" Y came to a sudden halt hearing that. It was Ven, she knew his voice anywhere. Y looked around frantically. What was Ven talking about? What was Terra being accused of? Terra was ok, wasn't he?

Y spotted Ven after a moment of searching. He stood on the floor of some chamber looking up at a woman in black with horns. She held a staff of some kind while she paced back and forth above him.

"You don't believe me? That's unfortunate,  for he agreed so easily." The woman said. Y glared at her. She didn't know what was going on, but this woman was accusing Terra of something evil. And Y couldn't stand for that.

"He did?" Ven asked softly, looking down. Y felt her anger grow. Why was Ven believing this woman? Y darted forward without thinking.

"Ven!" Y yelled. Aqua followed Y quickly.

"Don't be fooled!" Aqua insisted. The stopped beside Ven, Aqua looking to Ven while Y glared at the woman.

"Aqua! Y!" Ven said in surprise. Y couldn't decide if he was happy or not. Maybe he was worried he was going to get dragged back home. Which was probably Aqua's intention.

"Terra would never do that. You know that as well as I do." Aqua said. Y was confused as to how Aqua had any clue what Terra was being accused of. Maybe it was something he was guilty of and Aqua just didn't know that's what he was being accused of. Y decided not to question it and nodded her head in support.

"Yeah!" Ven agreed. The woman laughed.

"Ahhh.... the truth can be most cruel, even amongst the closest of friends. After all, one never knows the secrets of another's heart. I'm sure you'll agree...Ventus...Aqua...Y." The woman said each of their names with a certain amount of malice. It sent chills through Y's body as if the woman knew more about each of them. Aqua sighed and turned to Ven.

"The master sent me. Ven....lets go home." Aqua said. Y looked at her in disbelief. Now was not really the best time for this.

"Aqua!" Y objected. Aqua gave Y a pointed look to silence her. Y looked down and backed away a little.

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