Chapter VIII; Dreams Don't Come True

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In the next world Terra and X arrived in it was nearing nightfall. The sky was dark with stars beginning to blink into existence. X looked to the sky taking note, the first stars to appear were always either the closest world or the world with the brightest heart. He found himself thinking of the old story Y used to tell him. Second star to the right and straight on until morning.

X turned his attention back to the world. Terra was a few feet in front of him, slowly approaching a crying blonde girl. The girl had her back turned and was resting her head on a bench.

"Is something wrong?" Terra asked softly. Rather than jumping and screaming something about stranger danger the girl continued to cry and actually answered.

"It's just that my friends made me the most beautiful dress--but my stepmother and stepsisters ruined it. And I was so looking forward to the ball." The blonde girl cried. X frowned watching her. She made him uneasy, like the princesses of heart did.

"Darkness always finds a way into a wounded heart. You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials." Terra said encouragingly. He looked to X to see if he had anything to add. X only shook his head.

"But I..." The girl began. She was interrupted by the appearance of Unversed. X and Terra both quickly drew their weapons.

"Unversed!" Terra exclaimed.

Without wasting another second the pair attacked the Unversed. X kept an eye on the girl while fighting, but the entire time she continued to cry like nothing was happening. It almost amused X as he took out the Unversed, muttering a sorry under his breath as each one died. He began allowing the Unversed closer and closer to the girl before he killed them. Each time the girl still failed to notice what was happening around her.

After the last Unversed was killed, Terra and X returned their attention to the girl. X frowned, as his eyes turned yellow. The girl's heart was a bright light like the other princesses. That for some reason didn't surprise X.

"I can't believe...not anymore..." The girl said through her sobs, further confirming the fact she hadn't realized what had happened. A mist began to gather in the air, rather suddenly.

"Strength of heart is important. But that's not all you need." A voice said. X looked around but saw no one. He turned his attention back to the girl with a frown.

"There's nothing left to believe in...nothing." The blonde girl said. X frowned, she seemed a little dramatic. The mist began to gather in front of the girl.

"Nothing, my dear? Oh, now, you don't really mean that." The voice said. The mist continued to consolidate until there was a woman wearing a blueish grey robe. Her hair was white giving the impression of great age.

"Oh, but I do. It's just no use." The girl said. Her head was now resting in the woman's lap.

"Nonsense! If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here, and here I am." The woman said. The blonde girl looked up at the old woman. She didn't look alarmed by the woman's sudden appearance. "Oh, come now, dry those tears. You can't go to the ball looking like that."

"The ball? Oh, but I'm not--" the blonde girl began. She stood up and stepped back from the woman. The woman stood as well and cut the girl off.

"Of course you are. But we'll have to hurry. Now, what were those magic words again?" The woman said. She thought only a minute before recalling the supposed magic words. "Oh yes... Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo." She said with a wave of her wand.

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