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    The day started like any other, Shawn sat at his desk waiting for the kids to come in. Each morning was the same, two periods of nothing interesting, just teaching and giving lectures. What made Shawn's day, was third period. He knew it was wrong, he knew he was a pervert, but third period was when she came in. The girl who he longed for, the girl with the smile that lit up the room, her short hair was pink in color, and her eyes were a pretty green.

    Each day at third period, the teacher couldn't help but stare at her. The bells rang in turn, first period, over, second period, over. And that's when it happened, that's when Ashley Patton walked into his classroom, she was thin, and beautiful, carrying a small stack of books in her arms.

Ashley set her books on the desk and took her seat. She never talked to anyone but the teacher in this class. And boy, that was embarrassing. She hated talking to the teacher. Not because she hated him. No, it was quite the opposite actually.

She was head over heels for him. His smile could light up the world. His lectures we're almost memerizing to her. Plus, he taught English, her favorite subject. She did her best in this class and was a straight A student.

She knew her crush on her teacher was wrong. Sure he was young for a teacher but he was still eight years older than her.

The kids piled in, and Shawn took his eyes off of Ashely, breaking the stare they held. In his head he was certain that this girl returned his thoughts, his feelings, and this was his chance to prove it. He had devised a reading lesson, approved by the school bored.

"Ok class, for the last exam, if you will, of the semester I have something different planned. Each student will pick a partner, and the project must be done after school. The goal of this project is simple. You and your partner must go around this small town, and do a picture essay of the historic events that happened in the past. Now I know that there is an odd number of people in this classroom, but no, there will not be any groups of three. One student " he paused and looked straight at Ashley. " will be paired with me."

Every one groans but Ashley. Ashley was blushing a little. It didn't help that her extremely handsome teacher was looking her in the eye as he said that. God his stare made her weak in the knees.

"So, who wants to be my partner? If nobody comes up I will pull a name out of this box." Shawn spoke, pulling the box of small papers from under hi desk. What the kids didn't know, was every paper bore the name, Ashley Patton. It didn't matter that he could lose his job, the teacher was determined.

His lust had started during the girls freshman year. At that time, he was twenty two, a first year teacher, with little experience. The moment this girl had entered his room, he had been entranced, captivated. She was fourteen at the time, so he kept his distance. The thing that had changed now was the fact that she was an eighteen year old senior. The school board may disapprove, but all he would have to do was wait until the school year ended, after that, the board had no say in the mater.

Shawn sighed softly, knowing that before any of that happened, he would have to get close to this girl. He waited, waited for a student to come up to be his partner.

No student put there hands up. Ashley wanted to, but she was scared. She got bullied a lot already and she was also close to passing out in her seat at the thought of them being alone, together.

Low whispering came from the students. "He's gonna draw a name." ......."I feel bad for whoever he picks.".........."I couldn't imagine being paired with a teacher."......... "alone with a teacher on a project? Yikes."

Shawn noticed that the only one who wasn't whispering was Ashley, he looked into her eyes and offered a low smile, for she didn't have a clue what he had planned. In a few seconds he would place his hand into this box, call the name of his most beloved student, and have the next two weeks alone with her. The project he was going to give her was special. The papers would explain places they had to go, and what the needed to do there. For the students, the paper sent them to far places in the town, like statues and old museums. For Ashely, well she would find out soon enough.

"I see, well, time to find out who is paired with the teacher. " he spoke, and placed his hand into the box, moving it around as if searching deeply into it.

Everyone held their breath. Ashley could hear her own heart beat in her ears. She was praying to whatever god was out there that she would be picked. She didn't like anyone in this class and she wanted to be closer to him. But, at the same time, she prayed it wasn't her. She knew she would faint if her name was called. Plus, she always stuttered in front of him and made a fool of herself.

     Mr. Cari picked up one of the small papers, and held it between his hands, examining it closely and looking out at the students. "Hmmm, very interesting. Very interesting indeed. " he spoke, not yet announcing the name.

      Shawn picked up the stack of papers, and passed them out to the students. "You have two weeks, the assignment is simple. Each pair must go throughout the town and photograph at least five historical sites. After the pictures are taken, you must make a two paged essay of each place, describing how it affected the town, how it made this place to what it is today."

   He walked the isles, and placed one packet on each desk, then returned to the front. "Ok kids, you may begin, everyone pick a partner, Ashley Patton, I drew your name, please come to the front."

The suspense was killing her as her teacher went on with passing out the packets and explaining everything. She couldn't even pay attention to what he was saying. It was too much.

Then, he finally said it. Mr. Cari said it. Her name. The second he said that, everyone laughed and her blush grew until she blacked out.

"Settle down kids, I want all of you to go start the project, I talked to the other teachers and they are letting you all skip class to work on this." It had taken a lot of begging and pleading to get this project passed and approved, but now it was happening, he had his prize, in a moment he would be alone with her, just the two of them. The problem was, he couldn't make a move yet, he would have to be strong and act like nothing was going on.

The room cleared, and Shawn waited a few moments before speaking. "Ashley, would you please come to my desk? We don't have all day." Mr. Cari spoke, putting on a voice of fake aggravation.

Ashley snapped out of it at the sound of his voice showing anger. She didn't want him to be angry. Especially at her.

She jumped up and walked quickly to his desk, looking at the ground. She hated eye contact. It made her nervous. "Y-yes sir?"

Mr. Cari looked into the girls eyes, and held back the urge to smile and reach out to her. "I'm not any happier about this then you are, but this is the way it has to be. It looks like the two of us are working together on this project, we may as well make the best of it." He said, watching as the girl lay her hands on his desk.

Shawn stood, his arms purposely over extending so that his fingers innocently brush hers gently, just for a moment. The teacher then pushed off and grabbed his stuff, preparing to help the girl on the project, when he turned around, his face held what seemed to be anger.

"Ok let's go Ashley."

Ashley had to swallow the large lump that was forming in her throat. Her favorite teacher, her crush, her everything, was not happy to be with her.

'Who am I kidding, of course he wouldn't like me. He hates me. Why would he like someone like me?'

She quickly got her backpack and followed him out the door. She tried to look as normal as she could to hide the heartbreak.

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