Truth that is never happy

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"I hate you! I should have left you alone last night! Why can't you let me be happy Trent?! Why did you have to send that girl after Shawn?! The one time after you left I was finally happy, but then you had to ruin it for me! So fuck you!"

"Why? Because for awhile you were my everything. I loved you, and then I left. The first few months I sent you messages with my moms phone, but you never answered, even when I got my own phone and your number from a friend, you never answered. I needed you so many times Ashley, that I let myself get involved with that drunk girl, the drunk drug addict. I got involved with the drugs, I went down, and then, when I saw your name in my phone again, I snapped out of it, and went to therapy. "

"I spent months, focusing on you, and waiting for the time that I could see you again, and then when I came back, I was going to surprise you by spending two weeks with you before starting school, I was coming by just before your class before lunch ended, and what do I see? You and the teacher making out, full out kissing, " Trent looked away, his heart covered in hate and darkness.

"So go ahead and hate me"

    "I....I never had my own cell phone till recently. And you know why I didn't answer back Trent. I couldn't. I could barely hang out with you as a kid." She started to choke up. "I'm surprised by the number of times you cleaned me up as a kid that you forgot. I was protecting you. If dad found out......."

    "But what ever." Tent continued.   "Just get me out of here and then leave. I don't expect you to be anything to me anymore, and that's fine, everyone lies anyone, I can't expect you to care, or even talk to me. I'm sorry, when I saw that you had totally forget me, I couldn't forgive you at all"

    "Says the one who kept saying they love me....." Turns and walks up the hill, turning back halfway. "Maybe you should stop lying to yourself Trent." She keeps walking and disappears over the top of the hill.

       "I do love you, even if I can't stand those words, even if I don't want to see you, even if when I saw you kissing him, I wanted nothing more then to crush you, and now, I just want to start over, but I know that is impossible." As he spoke, he reached into his pants pocket, his clothes a few feet away, and drew out a small knife, the blade shown in the sun and reflected towards Ashley, Trent was slowly bringing it towards his neck.

       Ashley immediately found someone and called them up to the hill. She was in luck too, it was a pretty buff dude and his girlfriend. Ashley quickly explained that she needed help and they ran up to her. Ashley ran back down in time to see Trent with the knife and her face dropped as she saw him in a pool of blood.

She ran faster, feeling more tears run down her cheeks as she kneeled down next to him. "Trent?! Trent! Speak to me!"

He moved slightly, and looked up at her, a cut beneath his neck, across his collar bone. It was deep and bleeding badly. "I'm sorry Ashley, I messed up too badly anyway, you'll be fine without me, you didn't really want me to come back anyway, you already showed me that."

    He choked out, bleeding badly, barely clinging to life, he reached a hand towards Ashley anyways, despite what he had just said he wanted to feel her touch in his hand.

He moved slightly, and looked up at her, a cut beneath his neck, across his collar bone. It was deep and bleeding badly. "I'm sorry Ashley, I messed up too badly anyway, you'll be fine without me, you didn't really want me to come back anyway, you already showed me that."

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