Vanishing pain

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The machine began to give off a warning, and Trent body began to shake. His eyes snapped open, and he let out a scream. "Ashley! Ashley! Please take me hand!"

The sound could be heard down the hall, his body began to shake even worse, pain pulsing through him. He was certain this was the end, and he just wanted to see Ashley again, tell her he was sorry.

Her head snapped up and she ran into his room, stumbling and tripping over herself a little just to reach for Trent's hand. She grasped it hard and trembled. "I'm here Trent. I'm so sorry. I love you......"

Trents hand gripped her as he felt himself drifted back into sleep, "don't .... l..leee. Let gi. Go" he struggled to say, and his eyes shut again, all he saw was black. He new he messed up. Why was he here why had he tried to end I all. He had finally told someone what happened in his past, finally told the truth, and it did nothing. All that happened was he gave into himself, and hurt people he cared about.

      Ashley sobbed more as she gripped his hand. 'Why? Why did I leave him? Why did I say those horrible things to him?.....' She cried more and looked at his pale and fragile figure. Why did she have to be so selfish? Why was she such a slut? Why, why, why?!

      A week later Trent woke up, feeling much better, the shock from all the pain and injuries had sent him into a mild coma. When he opened his eyes, he was all alone in the room. He had wanted Ashley to be there for him, to see him return for her, but where was she.

    His mind got the best of him. "She probably went back to Shawn, left this town and went to be with him." Trent spoke out loud.

     He saw movement next to him. He looked down on the floor and saw Ashley, sprawled across the floor sleeping. Her hair was a mess, she was dirty, she hadn't even changed into different clothes. Meaning she never left his side.

He smiled, and looked around the room for a close object. The chair beside his bed held a tv remote, which he picked up and tossed at Ashley waking her up.

    "Cali, get up here, lay beside me, I know the nurses will be mad but I'll tell them it was my idea."

   He spoke, and waited for his pink haired Princess to lay beside him, his eyes wide in true love and admiration.

      When she woke up, she didn't heisiate to jump into his bed, hugging him tightly and laughing. "You're awake, you're alive!" She then got anger and slapped him. "I swear to God if you ever do something so stupid again, I will kill you!"

      He laughed and then put on a serious face, his arm wrapped around her warm body as she snuggled into him.  "Cali, if you want to go and be with that teacher I understand, I was a jerk with what I did and said. All I wanted to do was hurt you, I didn't really feel love for you in the beginning. But then we began to spend time with each other, and my walls fell down until all that was around my heart was you Ashley, my love, if you don't want me I understand but I do love you."

     She was silent for a moment. She sighed and looked up at Trent. "Shawn broke up with me later that day when I was here with you." Tears weld up in her eyes. She tried to blink them away but it was impossible. "H-he said he wasn't sure if he loved me or not. He said he was happier where he was." She sobs into his chest. "I don't understand, was I not enough? Did I not make him happy?"

     "Cali, I can't speak for him, I can't ever tell you what someone else thinks or what makes them happy. But I can tell you this for sure." Trent said.

    He lifted the girls head so that she was forced to look into his eyes.

   "Your good enough for me, your more then enough and you make me happy."

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