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The next day, a Saturday, Trent was walking alone. He knew that he should be pestering Ashley, but right now he really didn't want to. He made his way to the park, and walked into the thick woods. He reached the stream, and sat by the water. It was cool, the air not to hot, just the right temperature.

He sat there for a good hour, before standing up, and turning around. As he made his way up the bank, his foot rolled on a stone, twisting his ankle and sending him to the ground in pain. He heard a thin snap as he fell, and the pain ratcheted through his body.

Ashley had been going to this Creek since Junior high. She found a nice hiding spot on the other side of the bank when she was hiding from bullies. She decided to visit that place this morning. It was a relaxing place and she needed to think for a while.

A few hours later, she heard a Yelp and something snap. Fearing someone was hurt, she hurried over to the other side and saw him...

He tried to stand, but was unable to, the pain made his vision blurry. He knew he was out there alone, and he wasn't going to go out like this. He forced himself to stand, knowing his ankle was broken, or cracked in the very least. The pain broke through his will, sending him to the ground, rolling backwards towards the edge of the stream, the back of his head hit the cold water.

She gasped and rushed over to him. Even if she was mad at Trent, she couldn't let him die. With all her strength, she lifted him out of the water, put him on his good leg and began to walk up on the path.

     Trent came to a few seconds later, and tried to make sense of it all. This girl that he only wanted to hurt, she had saved him, could he trust again, could he .....  no, the only reason Ashley had saved him was because it was instinct, because he had cried out, and she had heard.

    "Ashley,  what are you doing here? Why would you help me, after what I did yesterday."

".....I....I just don't want to see you die is all......." She looked away, struggling up a hill. She knew she couldn't carry him to the top. She had to calm down and think. The path is right on the other side. But it was getting late, and people don't walk back this far when it was getting dark. Who knows if anyone is there.

"Ashley, you can't get me out before night falls, we have to camp here for the night, it's the only thing we can do at this point. I'm sorry, I know I caused you pain, I know that you don trust me or even like me anymore," he looked away, feeling emotions he didn't like, he had decided to cage his heart long ago, why was he feeling things now?

"I-I don't hate you....." She stared at the broken males form. She signed and nodded. She laid him down against a tree and looked around. "We have to stop the blood." She took off her jacket, reveiling a tank top that showed a lot of clevage. She ripped it up and wrapped it carefully around his head.

"Ashley, you should get home, I'll be fine I'm a survivor, I can handle myself here." He said through gritted teeth, trying to show her his strong side.

"There is no need for you to stay with me if you don't want to ok? I'll be fine here on my own."

Trent gave her a genuine smile, and took her hand gently in his for just a moment before releasing it

Ashley thought for a moment. She could probably just walk to civilization and get help. But then she would leave him all alone and defenceless. Wolf's roam around at night, and so do gang members. If anyone or anything were to find him he would die. She had to stay, and protect them. "I'm staying, and you can't stop me."

He looked at her and gave a week smile, and then looked down. It had been hours since he had eaten and he was starving.

"Hey Ashley, you don't have any food do you? I haven't eaten all day, my stomach is hurting from hunger." He spoke, and looked around the woods.

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