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Three weeks after Mr. Cari had left, he arrived. A new student, by the name of Trent Andrews. He was a seventeen year old junior with decently good looks. This boy was tall, black haired, and arrogant. When he was growing up, he had always gotten everything he wanted. The money, the toys, the games, the cars, the girls. He was spoiled and he took full advantage of this.

The first day at his new school, Trent scanned the halls for someone, anyone, to take advantage of. That's what he always did, found either an easily manipulated girl, or some rich insecure guy to be his friend, and get his was through money or other means.

As he looked around, he saw her, a lone girl sitting in the corner, her hair was pink, and her face kinda cute. That would be his target. The only problem was, something about her made him not want to simply use her, but maybe even become her true friend. No, that was stupid, stick  to the plan, just like always.

    Ashley had been an emotional wreak since the day Shawn left. She had been hiding in her room and crying. Her grades have slipped. She was depressed. Of course, she had to move on, she couldn't mope all day. At school, she was herself. Shy and innocent. As innocent as a depressed girl who slept with her teacher could be.

Her rich parents have been gone too. Been on "business" they say. She knew better though.

      "Hey there, what's your name? I'm Trent." He spoke, after approaching her. He gave a bright smile and held out his hand, purposely flexing in the process, trying to buy the girls affection with looks. He could see in her eyes that she was broken, lonely, but he played it safe like he always had. Ignore the obvious, just get the job done, get the girl to do what he wanted, easy simple, painless, for him anyway.

    Trent had never shown signs of caring for others, nothing that was real anyways. He gave up caring after his mistake with "her". The event that had broken him down, made him a cold, empty shell, void of real emotion, wanting to simple get through life with any means or deception he could. That was his life, and that's how it would stay, he would make sure of that.

      He waited for her to take his hand, and as he stared into her broken green eyes, he had a slight feeling, one he didn't like. One of compassion.

She didn't take his hand and looked away. She stuttered a little and found interest in the ground way was she telling him her name.

     He put his hand down and continued to speak. "So, you seem nice, why are you sitting here alone? Is something wrong? All the other kids are laughing and talking, and you seem to just be moping. "

    His shirt sleeve rolled up a bit, showing several self inflicted scars, and he quickly covered them. "Hey, would you show me around this town later? Im new here, I don't know many places."

    "I-I'm shy!" Was all she could say to the handsome, sad boy. She felt bad, but she had to stay away from him. She may be shy, but Ashley could tell if someone was trouble. And this boy reeked of trouble.

The bell rang and she stuttered an apology and a good bye, hurrying off to her class as fast as she could. It was her first tardy to third period.

     Trent was shocked, but determined. He wasn't going to let this girl go easily. He was now curious more then anything, because he knew that something was a little off. The way she acted, the way she was just sitting there, and the real sign, was third period. He watched as the girl slumped into her seat, almost as if she hated this class. Her body language screamed of pain as Trent watched her.

    'Come on Trent, don't do this, don't get involved. That path only leads to pain, you remember what happened with Silvia, you gave her your heart, you gave her your everything, and moments later she took that all away, shoving your into the dirt, destroying your very being' he thought to himself, and looked away, even though he had already made up his mind.

The hours dragged on for poor Ashley. She hated school even more now. Shawn wasn't there anymore to make her feel better. She never even got a message from him since he left. As far as she knew, he could be dead somewhere. Or he completely left her alone. She didn't know what was worse.

The bell rang at the end of the day and kids leaped up and practically ran to their lockers. It was Friday after all. They all had friends and lovers they couldn't wait to spend time with. Ashely just moved really slowly, or so it felt like it. She had nothing like normal. No friends, no lover, not even her parents....

Trent spotted the girl with the pink hair, the one that was secretly from his past. He had been here before, many years ago, this was his home town. He let the memories flow, recalling his childhood friend. He knew what to do, to get her to fall for him. She would know his secret name he called her, the one he made up as a child.

He spotted Ashley, and ran over to her. "Hey Calli, can we talk?" He asked, and waited for her reaction to the name.

         She could see the male coming for a mile away. She didn't really care though. She knew what he wanted. She was not interested. Not in the slightest bit.

He came a hollaring but called her....Calli? She remembered that name. Somewhere in her past. A boy use to call her that. Now that she thought about it, that boy looks just like him.....It couldn't be.

She spun around to face him, her green orbs tearing up. "T-trent? Is that you?"

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