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The next two days were quiet, as Mr. Cari prepared for what he had to do. To keep the school bored and the other kids from picking on Ashley and himself, he would have to act as if he couldn't stand her, as if he hated the girl. That was the only way to reduce suspicion.

First period passed, second, finally third. This was it, the moment he couldn't handle, he had to do it, had to be strong. Once the kids had settled in, he spoke.

"So guys, are you all doing your projects? Hope your partners try harder then mine does." Shawn spoke cruelly, trying to make his fake hatred seem real. As he said this, every head snapped towards Ashley, their stares were of laughter and bitterness towards the girl, nobody was her friend anyway in that class, and they tried all they could not to burst out laughing at the girl.

Ashley knew that his cruel words were fake. She could see it in his eyes it hurt him more than it hurt her. But the laughter and taunts that rang out afterwards was what got her.

"Wow, worked with a teacher and still dumb as hell!" One boy shouted at her. She just looked at her desk and shuffled a little lower in her seat.

"Settle down kids, it's not her fault, some people just don't know what's what. That can't be helped. Now, please open your text books and turn to page two seventy-three. " he spoke, and while they were busy he shot Ashley a look that told her he was sorry. The class began and he went into his lecture, keeping a close eye on his lover.

"Now class, we are going to do something different, I want all of you who have partners to put your heads down, and I am going to describe some places for you."

Everyone mutters and slowly they put heads down except Ashley. She was just as confused as anyone else in the room. 'What is he....'

He began to talk. "A few of the places you should have seen by now, were the beautiful? Did they show you the natural wonder of this town?" He went on, and made his way up the isle, stopping at Ashley's desk, and looked around making sure all the students had their heads down. He knew her desk was just out of camera range.

He placed his hand on top of Ashely's, outline hers with his fingers as he spoke. "The beauty and glory is what you should be writing about. The feelings that those places give you, the pleasure of knowing that this place is yours to call home. " he swept his head down and gave her a fast kiss before moving on.

       Ashley was a little daze by his actions just now. Of course she did love his touch, but right in the middle of class while he warned her of being careful. It seemed rather risky to her.

     Shawn knew it was a risk, but he was so sure that nobody had seen him. The class ended, and he left for lunch. He sat quietly in the teachers lounge, and upon returning, found a note on his desk.

   Upon opening it, he froze, for the note read "I saw what you did, and I can get you fired. If you want to buy my silence, meet me today, at the park, and we will talk about an agreement."

Ashley spends the rest of her day starting at the clock. She was going to ask Mr. Cari for 'help with homework' tonight as an excuse to talk to him for a bit. She had a special surprise for him and she couldn't wait to tell him.

     When school ended, Shawn left right as the bell rang, knowing this could be bad. If someone truly knew what was going on, he had to protect Ashley, and make it seem like whoever it was just made it up, Nothing had happened, he was innocent, just a simple teacher. This couldn't be the end, he couldn't get fired, lose Ashley, his life.

    Shawn gathered up his things, and got out. He was determined to clear his name, make this out to be all a mistake, a simple misunderstanding.

      Ashley took her time walking to his classroom, knowing he would be there grading papers like normal. But for some reason, the door was locked and the classroom was empty.

      On his way to the park, Shawn pulled out his phone, and sent a fast text to Ashley. <I will be back as soon as I can, please, wait for me, I have something I have to do>

      He approached the entrance, and saw one of his students, Shilla Drin, a trouble maker and somewhat of a school slut, as the other kids called her. If this was all he was dealing with, he knew he could easily silence her with a little threatening of his own, but he would have to be careful.

       She heard her phone buzz and pulled it out, reading over the message. She sighed and began to worry. We're they caught? Was he with another girl? Was he lying about everything? She leaned against the wall and slowly slide down, sitting on the floor and waiting.

         An hour later, Shawn returned to his classroom, and he didn't look happy. When he saw Ashley, he couldn't even smile. The girl who had met him wanted something, something that he couldn't give her, that he refused to give her. His everything belonged to Ashley, and he was going to keep it that way, no matter what.

     Shawn unlocked his door, let Ashley in, and, after closing it behind him, he hugged her, without a word.

     Ashley was instantly worried the second he appeared in her vision. Him ignoring her then hugging her so tightly made her even more worried.

"W-what's wrong m-my love?" She asked, looking up at him. He was hiding his face from her.

      "I am resigning, and moving away. I'm sorry. I screwed up, I got us caught. There's nothing I can do. I had to make a deal with her, what she really wanted was sex, but I refused. I couldn't do that to you, my love. This isn't the end, it's not over, please, believe me I will be back for you, I will come back once this school year ends in two months, and I will marry you."

    Shawn spoke, hugging her even tighter, and not wanting to let go.

       Tears weld up in the pink haired girl's green eyes. "No please don't." She said, sobbing heavily. "Please don't leave me alone, not again."

      "I'm sorry Ashley, I love you, I mean it, I'm sorry, I screwed up," Shawn spoke, and gave her one last hug and a final kiss before leaving the room, and getting in his car. He looked back at his love, and gave a week smile, before starting the engine and driving off, leaving her behind.

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